[Léon] Presidency of UP

Day 1,970, 10:35 Published in South Africa Chile by Léon Reno
Dear members of UP,

I am presidency candidate of our party. You already know what we did together so I don't exactly know what else I can tell you. But let me sum few things.

Remember the first time I got presidency seat. Wilpanzer was inactive due to university. Wasteland suddenly disappeared. And Claudio decided to go to the DB in order to build strong relations between us. (You know how great relation it is now. lol) So I was completely alone in the party.

I tried to keep us together. Because I know that If core members are inactive, party would separate into many groups and we would lose our #1 position. However, despite all negative things, we were able to take majority in congress.

After that, we came to the important part. SM333ZA and his friends talking about "new players in party management." There was 3-4 active people in party when I came for first time. But now? Greekpwner, vinteeum, Dule87, Angel with Att, Sheldon the Mad, naroist, Mickey, Henock, Madalin, Jimakos, a lot more... These people participated UP and we are the most crowded active group in South Africa now. That is why whenever sth happen governments asking help from UP. That's why just when we able to support it aTO has been successful. That's why those Brazilian tanks couldn't approved without our support. So please tell me, who are those new players that will join party?

I tell you. They are trying to exclude this successful active group and make us another puppet. Current Country President betrayed Union of Patriots. But let's see what SM333ZA sai😛

"Lets stop slandering our brothers, both here and in government and start being pro active in supporting them. Lets be proudly eSA and stand firm behind our President instead of bashing him at every turn."

Slander? Really? This is slander guys:

Everyone say "Thank you UP"!

While we are busy with answering these DB's shits, SM333ZA, his VP Enriche2Ribeiro and Claudio was DB members.

Do you believe those people want something good for Union of Patriots? Do you want to became to DB?

If you believe, vote for them.

If you don't, here I am.

Léon Reno