[Léon] for UP members

Day 1,964, 19:23 Published in South Africa Chile by Léon Reno


I want to inform you about last and next month.

Last month we did well with Grim until gold mine issue as you know. I helped him with Kostas as MoD team. WE kicked our Uruguay from our regions. We worked on IRC for 48 hours and spend many things.

Our MoFA was not able to sign any MPP. If you check his last articles, he is saying "everyone refused signing MPP with us." I helped Grim on this issue as well. I've contact with Cyprus and Iran, they are only ones who signed MPP with us. I also included Cyprus to our alliance.

Another issue, security threats. You can see everyone trying to make peace with FYROMians because they know that FYROMians have a power here. I TOed their party last month and helped government.

Many of you wanted me to run for Country Presidency this month. I rejected that because I made a promise to Grim and accepted to help him one more month. That's why he came to the UP and run for presidency. And again, as you all know, he left us without a single word then used my friend against me. A real man would not do that.

After all, just 2 people was active last month in cabinet. Me and Claudio. But you can see from last 2 days' articles that even one of my friend is saying I did nothing but harmed this country. And I am insulted again. http://forums.erepubliksa.com/the-cafe/leon-wants-a-fight/

If people do not care when I spend my hours and do something good for this country, I will try another way. While I am spending my hours for this country, they thought I want to have a fight. From now on, I will give them what they want. I wanted to inform about what will happen.

Many of our community members have been agreed with pTOers here and FYROM pTOers will seem like a part of our community as well, soon. So I do not trust and care anyone here except UP members. I already left forums.

This is an article just for UP members. I will not respond anyone who is not from UP.



Few SSs to see:

Look at the date.







