[Kingdom of eUNL] True and Lies

Day 2,255, 05:19 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kordak

Dear Lords and citizens of the United Netherlands,

Most of you have noticed the fact that some people from Belgium have declared their own king. It all started with their comments to create a United Belgium, which would make the people of the Netherlands servants of their false king Critically. Now the lies continue and their group is trying to insult us every way they can.

I can only say this: they are cowards. The government of Belgium is undemocratically selling out their regions to Poland to discriminate a big part of the community saying they are PTO. First they robbed the national treasury and gave the money to citizens and now they want their nation occupied, because they are afraid for their enemy nr 1: Democracy!

I am very proud to be part of the Netherlands, we had a hard time together. We have been occupied for months and even if we had conflicts with each other, we always fought side by side. I am thankfull for all the people who believed in our freedom and our nation. And even when we were occupied we had a congress to keep the democracy in order. I am proud on every Party and Military Unit of our country, who always kept fighting for our country. We did this together, we fought together for this freedom and now this man from Belgium claims to be our King. Belgium a nation who was always save and didn't dare to take action at all. And when they took action they bow down and surrendered. Most people from their elite wanted to see the Netherlands permanently occupied or they did crimes against the people of the Netherlands and try to get us in conflict with other nations. We want the people of the Belgium part of the Kingdom to have this freedom too!

I am your King and I will fight till the end for my nation. I would spend every CC and Gold I have to help you all with food and weapons no matter which party you are from.

Even while I am disappointed in our President who is supporting the King of Belgium and calling him to invade our land, I will do my best to protect you against any treat. I know the people of the Netherlands are a smart people and will know we won't bow down to someone like Critically. We will not let them decide about our regions as well! Everyone who loves our country please share this message and show the support for our Kingdom!

Long live the Kingdom!
Long live the People of the United Netherlands!
Long live Democracy!
King Kordak

PS: Please vote this one up too: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/fire-and-blood-kordak-presentation-2365625/1/20