[Kingdom of eUNL] Free Q7

Day 2,252, 17:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kordak

Dear Lords and friends,

The people of Belgium did not only declare their independence after they left the United Netherlands, they also declared to have their own King right now! And like that was not enough they are speaking of a United Belgium. They see a new union between Belgium and the Netherlands to make us subjects to their false King.

How offending is it that they make a joke of our Kingdom, our noble houses and our nation itself? Let's put aside our differences for once and unite under the banner of our nation; the true and only red, white, blue flag!

I call up the noble Lords and Knights to be prepared to defend our homes, our sovereignty and our culture! To show our superiority we should double the damage we do and fight as true warriors in the battles set as our priorities. That is why I the King decided to give 2 Q7 weapons to anyone who supports the Kingdom. Just show your support in the comments section below and your weapons will your way.

Long live the Kingdom!
King Kordak