[Karrde] TUP and Congress

Day 1,676, 04:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde

Hello Fellow TUP Members! (And other curious readers)

I would like to take a few seconds of your time to explain to you the congressional elections which will be taking place on the 25th of this month (And every month).

During these elections the country will elect congressmen in all the UKs regions. Everybody who wishes to stand for election must candidate themselves by the 23rd of the month and on the 25th people will vote for their favourite candidate in the various regions throughout the UK. The best way to get elected during these elections twofold; by putting in effort, and by receiving official party support.

This month just like last month TUP will be selecting candidates based on a Quality over Quantity. This means that as a party we believe the candidates we have selected are active and will contribute towards the betterment of the country and to TUP as opposed to just collecting gold. If your new but are ready to get involved within the country then the party is delighted to give you a shot at Congress.

After the elections if you have been elected as a congressman then you get to take part in actually governing the country. This can involve voting on proposals, granting Citizenship's (After Approval from the Government) and keeping the government in check. You will also gain access to a private section on the forum to discuss issues that are of significant importance to the country and her interests.

Please do get involved, this is the best area to start your political career within eRepublik. If you don’t want to get involved in congress please do make sure you vote on the 25th. As a party our candidates are the best and most responsible and every vote ensures we can get as many of our congress candidates elected. On Election Day keep in touch and we'll let you know how our candidates are doing!

Thank you


Alan Hammond

PS: If you are interested in getting involved, or haven't contacted me for party support, send me a PM! TUP is all about bringing new players through so we'd love to have you on board.