[JOKE] WAR oh WAR.... WoW!!!???

Day 449, 04:14 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Bolodewo

Just want to share my battle experience... enjoy...

finally war module activated!!!

Soldier attack!!!

in few second...??? #$#@%#^@???

hmm, maybe caused of too much PPL fight on this battlefield... well ok ctrl+F5...

shit... 503 error guru mediation... refreshing page again... & again... & again..

wtf!!! 1 fight with more than 5x refresh!!! wkkwkkk... I LOVE THIS GAME!!!

click... clock... click... clock... what??!! this region has been secured by defender...

no hope... before leave this country try to exchange my currency... buzzz successfully bought xx.xx Gold...
hmm... upsss... got -109 on my hungarian money??? may I make a mistake on money exchange?? pyuhh...

just hoping some day... not too much only make this EREPUBLIK not EREBUGLIK.

have a nice day all.... cheers...

*tetap semangat untuk eIndonesia!!!