[Ireland] Reply to Longbaugh

Day 776, 12:30 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
This article is in answer to a comment by Longbaugh on Kavrocks article located here:

I thought it polite not to “hijack” Kav’s article with a wall of text but as my writing progressed I was more and more moved by Nith’s article coupled with Digits low key farewell and disclosures… so there is a bit more here than Longbaugh asked.


Touché on the poetic misdirection bit. I’ll be as concise in answering as I can (edit: Which is not very!). I think the crux of the issue in eIreland is lack of Unity of Purpose mixed with Disloyal Intrigue. I say that because if you were to ask almost any eIrish what they wanted for Eire they would all answer (to some affect) that they wanted eIreland to be a world power worth noticing with a successful economy and active populace; sadly, eIreland still seems unable to unite in any effective manner for any measurable length of time.

I was e-born the day before Aran Tal was elected with Top Gun as his running mate. Within days of my e-birth and with little power of my own I latched my wee little milk teeth on his ankle and did not let go… To many that is ancient history, but let me say what good came of it; (no credit to me, I was but a flea biting a giant) Patton was finally elected without any election bugs and turned eIreland a complete 180 degrees…

What about Patton you might ask?

Well, Patton did a damn fine job of;

1. Picking the right cabinet of dedicated pan-partisan people, regardless of e-age (and I say that not just because I was one of them).
2. Hitting the average citizen with a literal fire hose of information and updates as well as praising those who were in the weeds doing the good work.

I would have like to have seen him hit harder in the military areas and expected more from him there but all in all I give Patton an A-.

I suppose that brings us to Appleman. Though I have been lightly critical of him, his administration came at a time when I had soured with eIrish politics… of course I still watch, but participate less and less as I don’t feel my participation is really needed nor desired (my detractors now have an easy spam reply 🙂

Apple (in my opinion) took the Halcyon days of Patton’s hugely successful media campaign and turned it on it’s arse… Though he may have moved mountains and shaped sea’s in the background it is the Face of a President that (often) ultimately gets him re-elected. I know that he and JJ will disagree with me, but that is the beauty of opinion.

So, on to today… The disease is systemic I’m afraid.

Though most would agree on this point, I believe the problem is ego. Partisan politics keep the parties of Eire at each others throats on minor issues while the big issues are ignored as is often the case in many RL countries where the people have a say. Given the chance the people will always vote themselves bread and circuses, the challenge for the leaders is to feed them and entertain them while still maintaining a sustained infrastructure.

Then there is the semantic black hole. Communist? Capitalist? Left? Right? Though eRepublik generally supports a “democratic” model (in theory) It is the opinion of this man that the best model for small countries like eIreland is a mix of internal Socialism and external Capitalism.

Warning, I hate economics

Internal socialism- The state creating products via higher skilled workers / low pay who are already established via their own ventures for the use of the army for the means of national defence coupled with low skilled jobs with fair pay guaranteeing newer players a stable place to work and the ability to grow.

External Capitalism- Privately owned companies staffed by medium skilled personnel selling items abroad (and at home during training wars) to ensure personal capital and a viable market.

Yes, to an extent this mixture mirrors what many are trying to do, but are they succeeding? That is for eIreland to decide.

Without addressing dogma, I’ll say that my current home (as you know) is incredibly efficient and powerful even on a bad day. The system supports the warrior, the warrior supports the chain of command, the chain of command supports the country…

It is a warrior’s wonderland. It is my home.

The master plan [In Eire] has its definite merits and is certainly a step in the right direction. I fear however that the hard work of the few will be torn down by counter-ego. Dependent upon who is elected, all may be lost.

Digits’ article brings to light many things I have been following for months, I don’t think we have seen the end to any of the organized usurpers; but I will say here that the so-called oligarchy is still the best bet eIreland has, for this “Oligarchy” (for the most part) represents those willing to put in the time to plan, initiate and coordinate the offsite programs to ensure the populace prospers. Without unity is is only these ants keeping the locusts at bay.

I mentioned disloyal intrigue didn’t I? As I stated to Kevin Hutchison (waves at Kev, sorry if I was a little harsh, to each his own eh?) before he left eSK;

“If it's disorganization and infighting you seek eEire will provide copious amounts.”

Why do I say this?

eIreland is the birthplace of “Though I wont help build it I will help tear it down” politics as well as “I will oppose it unless my name is on it” loyalty.

The eIrish (emphasis on the “E” as I am a Yank and wont comment on RL Eire) love nothing more than to tear down the true ePatriots and shy from filling the hole (with any substance) left by their absence.

I’m not without sin though I cast stones. As I am the sole author of “Murphy’s Law” (sorry to remove the mystery, and wink to those who were in the know) and have when I thought it needed to be done provided a tongue in cheek counterpoint when I saw the status quo hedging into boring morass; I think that the hard questions are not asked enough. Feelings are hurt too quickly on the Fair Isle and transparency has become propaganda…

Does it fly, swim, quack as such? Ergo; Duck.

I could probably blather on for days… Though I love eIreland and her people I have no plans as of yet to return. I had developed a intellectual exercise named “The Silver Hand” to implement some of the things I have learned as a Theocrat but unfortunately those ideas were compromised by someone whom I thought I could trust and therefore reside now only in my head. It seems that some people thought that I was planning a coup d’etat… laughable at best. I had hoped to discuss this “idea” at length with Digits, but my anger at the betrayal of trust kept me from doing so… and now it appears my chance is past. (Farewell Digits).

No, no return for me on the horizon. My love and loyalty go to my brothers and sisters in Theocracy as their love and loyalty comes to me, but try as I might I cannot keep myself from reading the eIrish news and opening my big mouth.

In summation,

eRepublik is (from the outside) a game of;

1. Politics
2. Propaganda
3. Intrigue
4. and Conquest

The first three are easily practiced by Eire. The fourth will probably forever be out of her reach; so, if no number 4, then what to fill the void with?

I propose the following;

1. Loyalty
2. Cooperation
3. Teamwork
4. Respect

*less Me, Me, Me, and more We, We We...

Crazy? Perhaps. I’m a dreamer… but I’m not the only one.

So Longbaugh, there you have it. I would be happy to expound on any questions you may have or fill in any blanks I missed.

Slainte eIreland.

Silent Leges Inter Arma!
