[india] Official Indian position on Iranian War

Day 749, 07:35 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

My dear Indian brothersa,

As Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs, I would like to clarify our position with regards to the war declaration against Iran.

1. We planned this war 3 days prior to the declaration and this has nothing to do with EDEN. We are neutral and only want our regions back. We have nothing to do with the larger conflict and will not be controlled or dictated to by anyone. THIS IS PERSONAL - India vs Iran ONLY.

2. The war is the most important medium for a baby boom and we will use it to get our babies and unlock India's true potential thus staving off thoughts of future PTOs and making us stronger and more independent.

3. Our economy is dying due to lack of Training Wars and our citizens are also leaving the country. We need to unite them with a sense of purpose and work towards a stronger India.

To explain our reasons, I had requested a meeting today with representatives of Hungary, Indonesia and Serbia, with the following delegates present :
a. Mimihitam (my special thanks to you for making it happen)
b. Bajaj
c. Ostin.
d. Feherlo
e. Kistru.
(many thanks to all delegates for gracing the invitation at such short notice) 🙂

I clarified our stand and answered questions as best as possible that we are neutral and are concerned with our own regions and will do our very best to get them back. Our attacks will be based on our choice ONLY and will be governed by what we feel is best for india.

I would guess the easiest way out for Iran would be to give our regions back to us unconditionally when we attack and we can declare peace once we have all our regions...but we do not see that happening...do you? 🙂

So...for a change, its time for India to join the fun!!



MoFA - eIndia