[HEX4CP] Cabinet for January

Day 2,602, 01:49 Published in Japan Japan by H E X

In the previous article I wrote about my plans for January, and now I want to introduce my cabinet for the next term.

(About the MoSA: I wanted to include every party in the cabinet so asked TLS for a person to take this position, but didn't get answer yet, but I'm sure I'll get soon. )

Team for the next term:

Prime Minister - Geezus

Ministry of Defense

Minister - ILIJAbg
Vice Minister - JetiShumadinac

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister - Masaharu Homma
Vice Minister - Wigga

Minister of Finances- Nolmut

Ministry of Social Affairs

Minister - ?
Vice Minister - Eboshi Gozen

Ministry of Culture, History and Education

Minister - Turt037
Vice Minister - Nanashi Senshi

I really hope the we will be able to improve our country, and I'll do my best for it. :-]