++ Harrison for America: New Ideas (Take Two) ++

Day 587, 08:42 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
More Updates: I've decided to remove the tradition pictures from campaign articles.

Update: The Admins have forced me to no longer show tradition pictures. Therefore, I'm going to have to tone them down I bit. Also, I have to rewrite this article. Sorry to everyone who loved them :3

America, you deserve better than rhetoric.. America deserves new ideas. Platforms based on the status quo are boring and tailor-made for a loser's campaign. I am here to bring new ideas to America and I'm ready to implement them. New ideas are what pushes our nation forward, and I've got quite a few good ones, so I'd like to think:

1. Increased Dept of Education Attention/Funding

The Department of Education currently runs on little to no budget and isn't as much of a focal point as I want it to be. Make no mistake, the Department is well run and does it's job splendidly, but I strongly believe that a more widescale Department would be beneficial to our country. Whether it means promoting the Department more in my articles or offering money to make NAU (one of Emerick's best ideas) a state-run university, we need to get the Department available to new players like we never have before. Also, I want to start an off-site recruitment drive for new players. "But why, Harry, we already have a ton of players?!" I know we do, but right now, we have about 75% politicians and 25% gamers. Gamers are what makes this game run, and we need more of them to be successful. A 50-50 split would make us, in my mind, the most powerful nation in the world.

2. Increased oversight via Federal Budget Coordinator.

The Budget Coordinator will, in all reality, serve as a Federal Auditor. This will be a numbers person who will analyze the current budget, where it goes, and how well each Department is managing their money. No one will be having sticky fingers and taking pennies here and there, because they will be caught. If Departments are not spending their tax dollars right, they will be subject to removal. The Budget Coordinator will be a critical role in the increased government oversight movement and will allow us to analyze, predict, and change how we spend our money.

3. Newly formed Technology Department.

To move forward in this e-World, we must make good use of the resources given to us. Luckily, we've got some great coders here in America. People like Andra, Pearlswine, Publius and Moishe are all great programmers, and we can use their talents to better the country. The small changes with technology can go a long, long way. I was talking to Andra the other day and he tells us we've learned how to embed images in PM's, which will help with tracking so we can see who reads which PM's and see what recruitment pitches are best to new players. We can work on automated scripts to make programs like Meals on Wheels and the Quartermaster General portion of the army less time consuming. Technology is the next step for our nation.

and, finally, to cap it off:

4. Increased Military Budget.

As it stands, the military gets the lion's share of our budget. That is certainly true. However, at a certain point, what else do we need to purchase?. The US could use maybe one more Q5 hospital, which I'd like to see happen during my administration, but beyond that, all we have left to fund are social programs and the military. The military is the center of this game. Entire industries rely on military conquest for their well-being, and almost every industry indirectly relies on it in some way. Without war, this game would become a stalemate of money hoarding and political takeovers. With an increased military budget, we can continue our increased dominance on the world stage. Freeing regions in Turkey, most notably Central Greece, was a great success for our Armed Forces, but we're only just begun the long fight and we've got to keep our military armed and ready to fight. With an increased budget, our military will be the finest fighting force in the world.

With love,