[GPN] Final Assessments

Day 1,790, 15:33 Published in Australia Canada by Molly Jo

Hypocrisy? Hardly
Don't worry I'm going to prove my statement, first will start with DD2s claims of my hypocrisy, he claims I have attacked him, alright lets look at the three times I've mentioned him; First time I brought him up in an article was in reference to wondering what his government was doing, this is a Question not an attack. Second time was in a very clear joke article, as I Joked he was the burger king and a pervert, clearly a joke enough said. Third time I questioned why he was not fighting for Australia when trying to fight for our freedom should be everyone in Australia's top priority, NOT an ATTACK. Finally he refers to an article as the source of what he believed I was calling his attacks, this is not the case, the reality of his attacks and many I've seen in Australia is the stuff people leave in the comment areas, sorry but just because the game has a comment section doesn't mean you have to use it to be rude toward other people regardless of political, military or personal beliefs, yes I know it is a lot to ask people to strive for that level of respect towards others but ought to be done. Finally on the note of DD2 if he really felt hurt about my questions of his commitment I do apologize I merely wanted to know why he wasn't fighting.

Next We have TJ Norton, whose claim of me showing Hypocrisy revolves around the notion that I speak on behalf of the current government, this is hardly the case. Apart from my question of what the last government was doing, I hardly went around attacking them, and I hardly go around defending the current government from "attacks," I merely point out I don't like Rude people, and to respond to that in a rude manner just proves the point of the bad state of affairs here in Australia, there is a lacking of respect among the people, and in some cases it seems down right prejudiced.

But back to the focus on TJ Norton, why do you act the way you do on eRep, when from what I hear that isn't how you act out of game? Would it help if I give you a hug?

Final Round
Seal Team Six Member, occasional reader

Avatar Choice: Beach Girl?

In Depth Truth: Roboa wants to be in articles, reminds me of Greeling 😃

Proud eCanadian, GPN reader, IRC friend.

Avatar Choice: SOS Colored Record.

In Depth Truth: Loves to hang out in AusRep IRC, gave me the idea of a foreigners Round.

Relationship with: He is very friendly we get along 😃

80% of why I came to eAustralia, and a great friend

Avatar Choice: Samurai Squirrel, KNOW his POWER

In Depth Truth: One of the Greatest eAustralians ever, even if they don't know it.

Relationship with: Lancer , he's so nice to me.

Bia Pandora
Marine and all around awesome lady.

Avatar Choice: Marine Bordered Super Lady

In Depth Truth: Marine Super Lady, lol Bia is awesome and speaks the truth and isn't afraid to do so, she should so be PotUS someday 🙂.

Relationship with: My eHero

Molly Emma Another Awesome Lady, and who is also a Molly...

Avatar Choice: The Top Gun Princess

In Depth Truth: An all time Great Cabinet Member.

Relationship with: my eternal friend in Mollyness

Cute Picture Time

Suggestion About Titles
Well the Admins added Country and Party titles, and they just don't really fit all countries, so on behalf of Irule777 and myself suggest that these titles be chosen by the CP or PP to fit his/her country or party. For example down here in Australia the Prime Minister can chose a Deputy Prime Minister.

Closing it Up
You may and probably will not agree with my opinion but you should be able to at least be respectful to it.

P.S. I changed my name to simply Molly Jo
Wuv you all, even if you don't Wuv me back