[GPN] Enough is Enough

Day 1,783, 18:35 Published in Australia Canada by Molly Jo

Just a little curious
I bet you are asking "Molly what are you curious about?" well folks that is simple, I am curious where certain people of Australia get off attacking other people, for example our now former Prime Minister DocterDry2, a person who has had his account for over a year, and is clearly not fighting to his fullest for our country, so yeah DD I'm calling you, either fight for your country, or close your mouth, because you aren't helping Australia.

Round Two
Miss Wolf
Green and Gold Australian Digger

Avatar Choice: She looks like a fancy lady

In Depth Truth: She eats the souls of her enemies..lol..

Relationship with: My Australian Sleep Over Host supreme 😃

TJ Norton
Two clicking since 24/9/12, wrote a touching article in honor of Sam Cougar.

Avatar Choice: I think he's a tiny dot near that building.

In Depth Truth: TJ isn't really two clicking, he's everywhere and I think a bit of a pessimist. 🙁

Relationship with: I don't think he likes me very much, and I have a feeling he will be in the comments to say how I'm wrong about calling out DD for not fighting enough.

Writer, GPN reader, wants to be in this article 🙂

Avatar Choice: He is a digital man.

In Depth Truth: I believe he is a person who just wants to be accepted by many, and to accomplish many things down here in Australia.

Relationship with: Don't know him very well, seems nice, reads my articles.

Knighthawk, really long time player 😃. God of War

Avatar Choice: Knighthawk bloody fighter

In Depth Truth: He writers the revolverlution, but lets face it deep down he could be a fluffy bunny.

Next Time
I may respond to the trolling hate comments that are bound to come for my calling out of DD, but odds are I will just ignore them, cuz Me a Lover not a Troll Fighter~

Dear Chile