[FPR] Vote for Jefferson Locke, HAMMER Gold Drive, Stocks, Regiment Captains

Day 2,367, 09:11 Published in USA USA by wookyjack
Federalist Press Release - Erepublik Day 2,368

Today's Federalist News:

1 | Party President Elections - Vote for Jefferson Locke!
2 | HAMMER Gold Drive!
3 | Stock Market News!
4 | SHIELD Regiment Captain Elections

Party President Elections - Vote for JLo!
Duncan Crowe

Its that time of the month again and Party Presidential elections are upon us. On May 15th, 2014 please ensure you vote for Jefferson Locke for a second term as party president!

All the same staff will reprise their roles as they did in April:

Vice President - Tyler Bubblar
CoS - Paul Proteus
Treasurer - Mazzy_Cat
Political Director - Apollo221
Retention Director - Crashthompson
FBI Direction - Blondeninja
Media Director - WookyJack

The newest staff member was a previous Up and Comer Fed!
FedEx Director - BamaBettie

Congratulations to you girl, you deserve it and job well done!

I ask for your vote and support in the upcoming primary Fed poal (that’s how we roll, we have our own spelling for things). I ask for your confidence. And I ask for your faith.

Together, we are invincible. The only thing that can stop us is ourselves.

Proud Fed forever,
Jefferson Locke

HAMMER Gold Drive

What is HAMMER you say?

A program to assist players in upgrading their Weight Room to Q4. This will allow the player to train for the most strength for free.


Players enrolled in HAMMER abstain from daily fighting and working their personal factories until they reach a strength level of 20,000 (21000 gets you on the first page Div 1 strength for eUSA, 28000 gets you on the first page of Div 1 strength for eSerbia)

HAMMER soldiers work commune along with their fellow SHIELD soldiers as well as request daily supplies. Instead of receiving 12 Q7 tanks and 1000 energy HAMMER soldiers will be given 0.5 gold and 50 energy.

HAMMER soldiers also have the opportunity to earn more gold by participating in activity/educational objectives set by the HAMMER program. HAMMER soldiers will be allowed to complete one objective each week. Each objective will earn the HAMMER soldier 1.5 gold.


The training ground upgrades were on sale last week and many new HAMMER soldiers (most are new players and new Feds) simply didn’t have enough gold to take advantage of the sale. The HAMMER soldiers have now been tasked with creating, coordinating and running a gold drive.

This will be both a team building exercise and a gold raising drive. And hopefully it will earn them enough gold to be able to take full advantage of the next training ground upgrade sale.

To take full advantage of the next training ground sale, the Help a HAMMER Gold Drive will begin effective immediately and will run through May 24th, 2014.

Who are the HAMMER soldiers?

The current HAMMER soldiers are listed below. They will each also be posting a bio shortly so you can learn more about them personally and see who you might like to support.

Lost Coast
Trey Burke
Marcus Blade
Immortal Glory
Varg Dragneel
Carol Danvers

Please note, Plato only allows any layer to accept 10 gold per day. So if you send gold and it gets returned to you, PLEASE consider re-sending it.

What do I get out of helping a HAMMER?

The pride of knowing that you have helped build up some of the newest Feds to become some of the strongest soldiers on the battlefield. And a super cool badge to show that you Helped a HAMMER.

Each HAMMER soldier keeps 50% of what they raise. The other 50% goes to HAMMER to help cover the cost of this awesome program.

How else can I help?

If you would rather, you can make a gold donation directly to the HAMMER program through crashthompson. Please note, Plato only allows any player to accept 10 gold per day. So if you send gold and it gets returned to you, PLEASE consider re-sending it.

You can also share the link for the Help a HAMMER Gold Drive EVERYWHERE. You never know who might see it and want to Help a Hammer.

SHIELDS UP! And thanks in advance for your support!
~The HAMMER Trainees

Stock Market News!
Index Infinity

The Stock Market Game has hit it's one month anniversary! Buy and sell stocks on the exchange for profit. Regularly check for news updates about the companies that may affect the value. If you invest wisely, you'll make it far on eWall Street! Do you have what it takes?


For more information please speak with IndexInfinity

Captain Elections, Regiment Captain Responsibilities

Have you wondered what a Regiment Captain does?

Captain elections are held on the 15th each month in every regiment of your military unit. Captain has the power to kick people from his/her regiment and set daily orders for his/her regiment.
Reference 1
Reference 2
In order to get the right to vote for a captain on election day you need to be a member of the unit. Recruits cannot vote. On the 15th of each month a banner will be visible at the military unit page. Click the banner to vote!

To run for Captain in a regiment you must be:

- at least 2 days old in the Military Unit
- ranked at least Captain
- a member, not a recruit
Once you have met the requirements you can candidate by clicking the ‘Candidate’ button at the end of your row in the member list.
- an active IRC user on #SHIELD (this is where you can find the most recent updated daily orders by typing “@home” and the NSC-Bot will message the orders in the chat screen)

When and how do the elections take place?

On the 14th of every month every member who meets the requirements for being a Captain can candidate. On the 15th of every month every regiment will vote for their captain; you can’t vote for yourself. On the 16th of every month the elections will get into the verification process until 06:00 hours (erep time). When the elections are validated the winner will get an alert to let him know that he was elected as Captain for his regiment. Every regiment will have their own elections.

What are the winning conditions?

Basic winning conditions are if you have the most votes you will win the elections. (If no one else runs for Captain in your regiment against you then you will win)
However, if a tie (in number of votes) happens, the one with the highest military rank wins. If it is a case of the same rank, the one with the higher military rank points, wins.

View of candidates and their votes.

What are the responsibilities of a Captain?

Captain can set the daily order for his/her regiment each day after day change. If the regiment already has an order set by the military unit commander, the captain order will not overwrite the commander's order. Every soldier is only able to complete the orders once a day. The orders can be set and changed from the military unit profile.

This is what the Regiment Captain will see and perform.

Select the priority battle. (This is usually found by checking the Department of Defense Orders for Citizens)
Also, a Regiment Captain is responsible for relaying orders to its regiment(s) from their Commander and/or 2nd Commander. Ensure you friend request all members of your regiment then its easier to send Private Messages all at once to your regiment.
Additionally, an order set by a Commander or Second Commander overrides the orders set by Captains. An order set by a Captain will not override the orders set by Commanders and Second Commanders. An order set by the Military Unit priorities can be overridden by the orders set by Commanders, Second Commander or Captains, respecting also the previous rules. Orders set by the Commander and Second Commanders can override each other.

If you think you have what it takes to be a Regiment Captain private message me, WookyJack as soon as possible to be considered a candidate!

Click the footer here to join SHIELD today or join up to lead our regiments in future Joint Strikes!


That is all she wrote for this edition! Catch us next week and remember:

Federalist Media Staff:


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