[FPR] PP Msg from JLo, Fed Jobs, Fed Hero, Apply for Fed Congress

Day 2,372, 09:00 Published in USA USA by wookyjack
Federalist Press Release - Erepublik Day 2, 372

Today's Federalist News:
1 | Party President Elections Wrap Up
2 | Fed Jobs Update
3 | Fed Hero - Twisted-Pixel
4 | Congress Sign Ups and more!

Party President Elections Wrap Up
Jefferson Locke

Last month was a great month to be a fed. We saw a Federalist CP get elected in Molly Emma along with a Federalist Speaker of the House with Tyler Bubblar. We saw relationships with other parties grow, and our forum activity skyrocket. We had a lot of great feds of old come back to the party in order to help us stay number one, and we also put together a great Congress list that helped drive discussion this month.

This month, the goal will be to continue with the momentum we have built. We will have another strong month in Congress, and we will show our undivided support for Molly in her CP term. We will continue to increase activity, and work on giving our members rewards for activity in the forums, IRC, and MU. We will also be making some changes that will increase the efficiency of the party so that we can better serve you in the future.

The federalist party stands stronger today than it has in a great while. I wish that I could take credit for that, but I can’t. It’s because of all of you working hard and united towards the common goal of country>party>self. As long as we stay together, we stay strong.

Together we’re invincible,
Jefferson Locke.

Fed Jobs Update
Osmoza Jones

Boom! I decided to write again for the press, I’ve been so busy in RL lately, but I have some time off now, and I really wanted to write a short update on the jobs we have available in our Fed, amazing and beautiful party.

I will obviously start with the Media Dept – we are open to welcome new brains, new ideas, some new approaches on the subjects that our press shares with the world, so anyone who has something to share – don’t be shy and get in contact with WookyJack or anyone who is part of the staff.

If you think you got what it takes to be an FBI agent, step up and make a difference for your country and party and get in touch with Blondeninja for more details. Our proud Congress is waiting for new voices, bring up your A game and represent the Feds with dignity and pride, don’t miss the next Congress elections!

Our Fun Dept will always have a place for new members, so if you have great and funny ideas share them with us - its that simple. If you wanna be one of the voices of the FedEx there is a place for you too, get in touch with us and we will make it happen.

Of course we also wait for someone to step up for the Big Chair of our party, so if your plans and mentality can bring something new and helpful for our country you might have a chance to be the next Federalist Party Leader – the competition is high for every election, but nothing is impossible.

I won’t make this any longer, thanks for reading this, peace out!

Please inquire for a Fed Jerb here: http://fedparty.forumotion.com/t5051-fed-jerbs-may-2014-apply-within or check out the quick link images below!

Fed Hero - Twisted-Pixel

There's always people you look up to, and those people you strive to emulate and be. Well the person we are about to talk to is one of those people. One's name who is inevitably destined for the Fed Hall of Fame. He started in 2010, and since then has never once turned away from the Federalist party. He's held many different positions and helped guide countless others in their endeavours. He was brought in by another well known Fed. We present to you this issue's Fed Hero... None other than
Twisted Pixel

Twisted Pixel-TP:
FPR-Fed Press:

FPR-So how long have you been playing eRep?
TP- Just over 4 years now
FPR- How much of that time have you spent as a Fed?
TP- All of it actually, Greene12 pulled me out of game chat, my third day and walked me through the metagame, that treatment made me join the 6th party Feds.
FPR- So you have seen a lot of transformation happen. How do you feel about where the Feds are now as compared to when you started?
TP- Well, i obviously feel great about it, we're the oldest, most powerful party in the freeworld, and our community is the best in the game.
FPR- So how do you feel about being portrayed as a Fed Hero?
TP- um.. lol, gotta say, this is the first i've heard of it, so you'll forgive me if i'm a bit speechless...I'm just a regular fed, heroing is what we do.
FPR- What accomplishment are you most proud of and what accomplishment makes you the horniest?
TP-gaining PP twice in a row would probably be my proudest and most favorite accomplishment, though i feel my terms could have been better. Who knows, maybe i'll redeem myself in the future. As far as horniest? I think I'll keep that one between me and the lovely Fed ladies...😉
FPR -The suspense I'm not sure that's fair to our loyal Fed Press readers
TP-Never kiss and tell gentlemen.
FPR- Any future aspirations?
TP-I might take a shot at PP again, but i'm through with the national scene, the Feds offer me everything i need from this game.
FPR- What have you been a part of on the national scene
TP-I ran the U.S. job hub back in the days of v1, been in congress twice (twice was enough thank you very much!), was a NSC advisor before they just started giving access away, and have served multiple terms in the Dept. of Interior
FPR-How do you feel about the future of the Feds with all the newbs joining
TP-I was just talking about this today actually. The feds have always been newb centric, if there's a party where competent newbs can have a shot at becoming a leader, it's definitely the feds. In fact, most of our current leadership are relative newbs. The more the merrier in my opinion.
FPR-What would you like to see more of?
TP-Activity! Our forums are once again on the upswing, and I can't express how much better that makes this game. I think that above all else is most important.
FPR- Well thank you, you exemplify the P/H mentality of Country>Party>Self any last words of wisdom for your fellow Feds?
TP-Like all aspects of this game, you get out what you put in here in the Feds, come join the community forum here, I promise it'll be worth it.
FPR- Alright well thank you again, you really are a Fed Hero.

What do our other fellow Feds think of Twisted-Pixel being a Fed Hero?

Apollo221-Twisted-Pixel is just awesome, that's all I have to say.

Sle7en- Twisted Pixel.... is the pixel that complete every corner and frame of Feds..!

Current PP JeffersonLocke-If anyone deserves to be named fed hero, it is Twisted-Pixel. TP has been around this party forever, well before myself, and has always been great to me. When I first started, I asked A LOT of questions, and TP was always one of the ones to explain things to me instead of simply giving me a short answer. He has been instrumental in helping this party grow to the number one party in the nation, and has also been very helpful to me in my terms as PP offering advice and an ear to bounce ideas off of. He represents P/H and country>party>self as well as anyone, and our party is extremely lucky to have him. We should all be proud to call Twisted Pixel a Fed for life.

This has been nickbergman with Fed Press, stay proud, stay horny, vote FED!

How to Congress

This Congress article is a repost, but if you’re interested in being a Federalist Congress member I recommend you read and apply here:
That is all for now. We wish you all the best, take care!
Federalist Media Staff:

Director; WookyDeputy; Nick

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