[FPR] Aint No Party Like the Fed Party, PotUS Update, Movin On Movin Up

Day 2,375, 15:06 Published in USA USA by wookyjack
Federalist Press Release - Erepublik Day 2,375

Today's Federalist News:
1 | Aint No Party Like Us!
2 | Update ME as PotUS
3 | Fed Director Outro

Aint No Party Like Us

Are you FED up?

If you're new much of what you see in this game can be confusing, and a bit overwhelming. You have all these different parties and military units telling you should join them for this reason or that, because they will do great things for you, and you'll have all this opportunity. So you figure sure why not to maybe the first. You seem to agree with just about everything they say, because who wouldn't to people promising you the world?

Of course I'm here writing to all of you newbs on why you should join the Federalist Party, and possibly our MU(Military Unit) SHIELD. I could go the way of everyone else and say instead of why, why not? But I'm not going to do that to you today. I'm going to give it to you straight. I'm not going to be like we're the Proudest and Horniest party of them all(Which we clearly are, it's our motto for god's sake). I'm not going to be like we'll give you everything you need to succeed(which we clearly will, because we also always state we are newbcentric, and live it every time someone else joins). I remember when I first joined the Feds and...Ok enough reminiscing. I need stop talking to myself.

You should join the Federalist party, because you will honestly get what you put in. If you want to skim by request some resources because you just want to click and fight, you are more than welcome to do that. If you want to get super active in the political arena, we'll help you do that and get you going as soon as we can, down that path. If you want to focus on the military side and grow that way, there is SHIELD the official MU of the Federalist party. We have programs like HAMMER which will focus on you becoming a powerhouse, as long as you have the patience, and willingness to let the leadership guide you, and can help you grow to a leadership position yourself.
So at this point you wondering why is this guy is so FED up. What's so great about the Federalist party you ask? It's just that it's the Federalist party that is great. You can get as little or as much out of it as you want. We have mentor programs, MU programs, resource programs, a very active and engaged leadership willing to help and go the extra mile for you. The same leadership that has in a short period of time has me writing this to you today.

We are all Federalists in our hearts, we strive for individuality, for your voice to be heard if you want it to be. There are some things we here at the Federalist party all tend to agree, but never once is there a party line to be towed, or a box to fit in. We strive to be outside the box, to reinvent not only ourselves, but our party and our country. To grow and thrive not only as a party, but as a nation, united as people of individuality and of personal preference. I'm proud to call myself a Fed and will always strive to honor my fellow countryman, not because of our thoughts or beliefs, but because you are a citizen of the same wonderful country that I am.
We are the party of Country>Party>Self and we remain Proud and Horny while doing it. So if you're new and you happened upon this article and are wondering what party you should join. Give it a try and see the eLife you can create. If you are looking for a change we're here with open arms.
This has been nickbergman with FedPress as always Stay Proud, Stay Horny Vote FED!

PotUS Update

With just about two weeks left in her term Molly Emma has done a phenomenal job as our Country President. She has overseen several notable items during her tenure and it definitely shows her prowess on the battlefield and in politics!

She has maintained an open dialogue with Canada’s leadership. We all know there is a lot of frustration, animosity towards others and general f***ery going all around, but truthfully this situation wasn’t going to get better before it got worse. Both countries have realized this. While the eUSA will make another attempt at snuffing out a Canadian Congress we will enjoy this war for what its worth and maybe one day there will be peace.

Party President elections took place on the 15th of May and Tyler Bubblar of Homeland Security has been a rockstar performing Anti-Take Over (ATO) efforts at home and abroad. For example, he organized a great number of eUSA citizens who went to the aid of our ally eUnited Kingdom to assist them against PTOs in several of their top 5 parties. Guess what? They won. Thank you Tyler for your stellar work this month! Not to mention the guy was ALSO Speaker of the House. Great job!

Furthermore, Molly Emma has had tremendous presence in Congress. She is always around to answer any of the Congress Critter’s questions and provide valuable feedback for any discussion that may arise.

Overall her tenure as PotUS has been pretty terrific. AKA s*** gets done.

That’s right.

All my bags are packed

Bags? Where the eff are you going, Wooky?

Not very far! If you have not already heard the news I will be stepping down as Director of Federalist Media (FPR) and taking on a new party role as the Commanding Officer (CO) of SHIELD Military Unit.

It has been a truly GRORIOUS journey with the Federalist Media Department, as well as, working closely with all my peers and close friends in the Federalist department. I did not achieve everything I had wanted to get to in the Media Department, but at the same time I set high standards for myself and my team. The end result was a lot of happy people who enjoyed reading what we published. That was satisfying in itself enough for me to know I had done my job.

What happens to FPR now? I have thrown in my recommendations and that is for the Party President to decide. If you have interest in writing and being in the mainstream media then I definitely encourage you to visit this URL: http://fedparty.forumotion.com/t5175-do-you-want-to-write-or-enjoy-media
If you are itching to try your hand somewhere else and get involved with the party I echo what nickbergman had already alluded to. Apply here and someone will message you!

Personally, I want to thank a few people for everything I am in the game so far:

Trekker Tlumac, you picked me up from the scraps of newbs and pushed me to write. You were my ignition. Thank you.

Blondeninja, you have been by my side these past few months and it has been a lot of fun working with you in the party and on a national level. It was difficult at times but we pulled through. As I said before and I’ll say it again, feel free to kick these tires when you need help haha! Thank you.

Tyler Bubblar, you have been a great mentor and leader in my development in the game. Its been so much fun fighting battles alongside you and always being there when I have a question. Thank you.

Apollo221, you have been my bro. You’re there for me any time and always a great person to talk with. I’ve learned a lot from you and very much appreciate your generosity. Thank you.

BigCDizzle, you have been a phenomenal leader and I would always help you out whenever you need a hand with something. You say jump, I say How HIGH!? You are that much of a respected leader and your reputation precedes you. Thank you.

Sle7en, right from the get-go you have always been a great friend and mentor. You have made this game so much fun with our chats on IRC and its actually very cool to say that I am friends with a RL Albanian! Hopefully I won’t confuse Q1-Q6 weapons for actual rockets until I build an actual factory again, amirite? LOL Thanks man. o/

There are a myriad of other people I could thank but the music has started playing me off the stage. Thank you everyone.

That’s all for FPR for now, Feds. I wish everyone the best in their future endeavors, as well as my successor, whoever that may be.

Country > Party > Self
Stay Proud. Stay Horny.
Federalist Media Staff:

Director; WookyDeputy; Nick

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