[FEDS] A Party President's Exit Interview.

Day 6,049, 06:18 Published in USA USA by Malpazar

"I did it my way."
- Frank Sinatra

"Mr. Malpazar." the secretary uttered, trying to get my attention. Her words didn't reach my buzzing mind, fluttering with thoughts of what has been, what is, and what can be. "Mr. Malpazar?" again she asks this time almost as if asking a question. I am jolted awake to the present, "oh, sorry." Turning away from watching the approaching storm outside. Each flash of distant lightning lighting the city skyline. "They are ready for you downstairs."

I walk across my office to my desk, taking my name plaque into my hands. I reflect on it for a moment, rubbing my thumb across the embossed dark letting against the golden polished metal. "Malpazar, Party President" it reads plainly, on the right, our insignia. "I-it was a pleasure working with you sir" my secretary says, I can hear a sadness in her words. "Oh no, it was my pleasure to serve."

I carefully place the plaque into my suitcase, and make my way to the coat rack. The thunder rumbles like distant artillery, as the pitter patter of rain begins to smack the window. I grab my raincoat, putting it on, and saying my final goodbyes with my secretary possibly for the final time. "See you around" she says, hopeful. "Yes, yes.. someday."

What was normally a short ride down the elevator felt like an eternity, as I tightly gripped my suitcase handle, I tried to imagine what comes next, where do I go from here? My thoughts raced as quickly as my term seemed to pass. *Ding* the elevator halted on the bottom floor, and there for a moment existed a brief calm, that small relief when an elevator reaches your destination but the door has yet to open. I held my breath.

The old doors rolled open to a long beautiful lobby, even from inside I can see a clamor. Huddled masses beneath umbrellas flanking both sides of the stairs outside. They almost looked like wet crows hunched over trying to stay dry.

Each step I took across the marble floor echoed through the empty lobby, save for the lone security guard desk and a couple of benches, plants. I watched their faces, anticipation was the fashion of the hour. The rain driving hard now, a full downpour as the thunder rumbled and the lightning continued to crack across the sky.

"Hey boss" the doorman called, as he readied the umbrella for me. The glass door swung open to a chaotic symphony, camera shutters flashed, and questions came hurtling towards me driving nearly as hard as the rain from above. "Sir, what comes next, what are your plans?" one reporter asked. "Sir sir, are you planning a Presidential Run? Are you going back to congress?" "President Malpazar, can you discuss possible future cabinet positions?" So many questions, all coming at once. The doorman and the police held back the ravenous press, hungry for answers as their camera shutters now mixed with the lightning above, I was practically blind as I shuffled to the car. "Malpazar sir, do you have any advice for the coming administration, for Derphoof?" I paused and turned to the young reporter.

"Trust your team, Trust your Party, and Trust your Country."

A final auditory blast of questions came forward as I slid into the open limousines door before completely ceasing. A shell of comfort, of quiet from the tempest outside, as we slowly pulled away down the city streets.

Let's Get to Business.

I would like to thank everyone in the Federalists Leadership for what in my opinion amounted to an excellent Party President term. Without you, I would have 100% missed a deadline here and there for thanks for keeping me on track! It was nice to get back into a more active role in political leadership in eRepublik and it has given me a second wind to try more things in game. I am truly grateful. And of course, I want to thank the members of the party! You are all great, wonderful and beautiful people and I want to thank you for putting up with the many articles I wrote during this period, and for getting out the vote as well!

During my Party President term we had a pretty excellent media presence, and an significant congressional turnout increase from a previous 49 votes to 54 votes. Additionally, in a 4 way Presidential race (4 major parties nominating their own candidate) we came in second! Which I think is pretty good considering the competitive aspect.

What Comes Next?

I still have the picture
from the last article so
might as well just use it again!

Well like in the short vignette above, Derphoof has won the Party President nomination, and will be serving the next term. I of course with Derphoof the absolute best and will be offering my assistance in any way I can. So please Federalists, vote Derphoof on the 15th!

For myself? I don't know, we will see! I will definitely think long and hard about this term, and try to brew up ideas, schemes, and themes for another term, someday. I guess at the end of the day it all depends on the demand for more Malpazar, be it at the Party level, Congressional Level, or even Presidential Level.

But for now, I will see you around.

