[EXTRA] Why Ahava is No Longer Running 4prez

Day 1,715, 09:37 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Hey all, ahava3233 here. This is a brief announcement and clarification.

As many of you have noticed from Tetsuya's article and the current candidate listings, I am no longer in the running for CP. I'll keep my reasoning concise and to the point; there's stuff that has suddenly come up in reality and due to that I simply won't have adequate time to properly perform the functions of the position this month. That's really it. Perhaps I'll go for it again in the future!

Anyway, Tetsuya Tameru himself has taken my place in the elections under the Sakurakai banner. I humbly wish him the best but of course, good luck to all the candidates.

Otherwise, I'll still be around to an extent but probably not as much as before. You can expect a few more MoCH articles regarding the Olympics in the next few days (tonight perhaps) and I'll still be around to deliberate actively in congress. I'll also still be functioning as a journalist and an unofficial congressional reporter in-game.

That's all folks, please vote up this article and subscribe to my paper. Also, feel free to leave a comment, thanks!