[eRepublik a Game of Thrones] - 3 -

Day 2,241, 10:32 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kordak

eRepublik a Game of Thrones - Dragon of the North -

After King Kordak left the Capital of Groningen he had to find a new way to live with his people. He decided to march to the east with his horde and moved into the land of the great Khal Magic Hereos. It was a risky travel and they were surely going to meet the great Khalasar.

After a few days of travelling the people of the King were tired and only little food was left. They were very close to the sacred city of Bremen, once a free city under the Germark Confederacy, now the residence of a Polish Warlord. King Kordak decided to approach the city himself with a few Knights of the Kingsguard. Just before leaving he said to the Commander of the Kingsguard “If they return my head only, you will have to take the people to the free state of Germark as soon as possible”

Before even entering the city the King and his guard were discovered and escorted to their leader. The King was taken alone to the palace and separated from his guards. When entering the palace he saw the throne of the Warlord. The man looked curious at the King and said with a friendly voice “Welcome King Kordak, I am Khal Piolun servant of the great Khal Magic Hereos. I have expected you and prepared to help you my dear King” King Kordak looked with open eyes and was clearly surprised by the Khal words. “Dear Khal Piolun why would you help me and my people while we have been enemies for so long?” The Khal laughed and said “I have waited many years for the Dragon to return, I am fascinated about it and I know that in the future you will take revenge on those who have worked against you. And when you have a great army in the future you will need a new great Khal to rule the people of Poland… if you understand what I mean” King Kordak laughed “so I haved prepared a fleet of pirate ships that will bring you to your brother in Svalbard & Jan Mayen” the Khal said with a smile on his face.

And so it happened that the people of Groningen were the next day on their ships with a belly full of the best food and wine. It only took 1 week for the entire people to arrive at the giant island. Joshua Morriseau welcomed his brother and his people with open arms. “It is time to take the throne of this country brother” the King said during dinner. Joshua responded “I will help you to get the throne of Norway, but my army is small” Kordak rised and put his wine in the air and shouted “All Hail King of Norway, all Hail King Joshua Morriseau” The King’s brother was shocked and saw everyone repeating King Kordak’s words. “But why brother.. why me..” Joshua was clearly shocked about what just happened. The King responded “I have something to settle with your government, it worked against me. Their so called President clearly supported my opponent. They would clearly not recognize me on the throne when I conquer it. Also I am not planning to stay in the North for such a long time, I have to move on, but will help you to get your throne brother”

The following days the armouries were working day and night to forge the blades and weapons for the war to come. Soon a new Kingdom was going to rise and two people’s were going to get united by the one true family of the Dragon.

To be continued

Long live the Kingdom!
King Kordak