[eRepublik a Game of Thrones] - 2 -

Day 2,239, 14:03 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kordak

eRepublik a Game of Thrones -The Betrayal-

Background music

It was a cloudy Monday morning in the city of Groningen, the day after the elections. The votes were being counted and King Kordak knew it was a close race. He was reading in "History of the Empire". It was the history of the eNetherlands under the leadership of Emperor Garmr. He managed to rule the eNetherlands with a iron fist for months under his total control, the King threw the book in fire and walked away to the gardens.

The King shouted to a nearby servant "you dog come here, I have an task for you". The poor man walked as hard as he could and said "what is it you want your grace?". "I want you to make a fire as big as the sun itself, I want you to destroy the Capital. I will build a new Capital in my honour and as soon we get the results we will invade Norway, so you better warn the Generals" The man was clearly shocked and couldn't believe it's own ears. He started to run away as fast as he could and escaped the palace. He started to run to the election committee and saw they just finished counting the votes. "who have won he shouted loud?" An old men with grey hear came to him and said "King Kordak has won my son, you are the first to know." The Servant told the election committee the whole story and they made a plan.

Meanwhile the King gathered a force of soldiers loyal to him and reformed the ancient Kingsguard. They would help the King to destroy the Preatorian Guards of the Rebellious Lord of the South Netherlands. At that moment a city guard came on his horse to the King "My Lord there is a giant army of men at the gates, banners of the Lord of Eastern Netherlands and the Lord of Southern Netherlands. They are demanding our surrender and promise they will give your grace a fair trial." The King's face changed and he screamed "What is this nonsense, they know I have beaten them with their own game and now they betray me this way! We need to get destroy them and when we are done we will destroy their cities and villages"

Certainly the Guard of the King, Sir Nomadicracer runned to the King and used a torch to put the King's cape on fire. After the attack he grabbed the horse of the city guard and escaped. When he arrived in the camp of Lord M. de Ruyter he was welcomed as a true hero. M. de Rutyer asked "What about King Kordak? What did the Mad King say when you set his cape on fire? I want to know. Did he call you a traitor? Did he plead for a reprieve?" Nomadicracer laughed and said "I had to escape, but he said the same thing he'd been saying for hours.. "Burn them all"

The next day the attacking army managed to get in the Capital very easily, but there was something strange. Everyone was gone and there was no trace of any life, the entire population of the Capital had left. This could only mean one thing: The King had survived again and everybody realized that he was the Dragon.. The first Dragon since Emperor Garmr himself..

To be continued

Long live the Kingdom!
King Kordak