[eRepublik a Game of Thrones] - 1 -

Day 2,235, 05:51 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kordak

eRepublik a Game of Thrones -The Fight for the Throne-

The seven kingdoms of the eNetherlands lived under the rule of King Kordak. There was peace and prosperity in the country in both the core regions and overseas areas. It all changed with the rebellion in the Northwest Terretories, the residence of King Kordak first in name. The armies of the King fought hard against the rebels, but even he couldn’t prevent this rebellion from spreading. On the 11th of September the rebels stormed at the Royal palace in Yellowknife. King Kordak prepared the defence of the remaining regions in the overseas areas of the Kingdom.

The Original Kingdoms of the overseas areas

The rebels did many more attacks at the remaining overseas Kingdoms, but King Kordak smashed down every form of rebellion. The continue attacks did weaken our army and the Rebels in the Americas were no longer our biggest problem. Giant hordes of ePolish troops marched into our lands and we had no other choice than to sign an agreement. Two regions were going to be theirs and they will benefit from our resources. On the 29th of December, only 18 days after the rebellion started we lost another region. In that battle the last troops of King Kordak were beaten at the battlefield. The next day the rebels attacked the last remaining region and the rebels captured King Kordak. It changed something in the head and heart of the King..

The Banner of the King and the royal family

King Kordak finally managed to escape, just before being executed and at the 1st of January this year he arrived in the new capital of Groningen. When he came back he discovered that the Lord of the Kingdom and Lord of Southern Netherlands had tried to take over the control of the remaining Kingdoms. His army did not only contain Knights, but also a lot of the common people. His Preatorian Guards were everywhere in the streets, searching for the King after they heard of his arrival. The people were speaking about democratic elections and the Lord of the Southern Netherlands was going to be the power behind the scenes.

The King still had noble Lords behind him and he promised them that he will conquer new lands for them. First he had to gain back the absolute power in the country… The Game of Thrones finally started…

Stay tuned for part two 😉

Long live the Kingdom!
King Kordak