[ENG]The Most Prominent Characters of eRepublik I. - From the east to the west

Day 760, 05:16 Published in Hungary Hungary by Oliverray

I had a new idea those days. I had enough of the interview, so I wouldn’t like to pass this article to that. My pourpose is to show the average Hungarian players the eRepublik’s famous “influential persons”. I will have 4 questions for 6 different “old warrior” from different countries, and I would like to recieve RL pictures from them too.

Profil links will appear if you click on the banners.

2 times president of Iran, he got Media Mogul with his paper - Azer Post - 5 times congress member, his strength is 23.6, President of Iran Green Party.

He registred...
'579 days ago.'

Story of his citizen name...
~~> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atilla_the_Hun

IRL he lives in...
'Tabriz - Iran'
His eRep achievements...
'Oh , I love scores 😃'

Media Mogul, 4x Congress member, her strength is ~25, Total damage: 942,737. 🙂

She registred...
'I register in this game at 7 april 2008, well my friend already told me about this game, like some weeks before i decide to registering. i regist in this game just for fun.'

Story of her citizen name...
'My real name started with L letter, since L is pronounced eL or eLLe, so, I use eLLe and add my last name Dinar Andari, So I use Elle Dinar Andari as my nick in game.'

IRL she lives in...
'I live in Jakarta, Indonesia.'

Former President, Congress member, Media Mogul with his paper - Sanctuarium, he has a big strength too. His formely known as Antonio Salgado

the middle one. 😛

He registred...

'Last year, i was studying abroad but had less classes then other guys, so while i was waiting them to go out i was playing erep 😛'
Story of his citizen name...
'Not really has. 😛'

IRL he lives in...
'Brasil, Niterói'

His eRep achievements...
'Didnt get this one 😛 But i dont aim much, just want to have fun 🙂'

President of South Africa in her second term, 3 times Congress member.

She registred...
'I was bored, to be honest. 🙂 And I made the right decision, I've really got a great community of friends here and despite all the ups and downs, I wouldn't have done it any other way.'

Story of her citizen name...
'As most people know, it's my RL name. I didn't think there'd be so many people interested in me in RL, so it seemed like a good decision at the time - I never meant to get this involved. I got hacked by some channers recently who wanted to take over eSouth Africa and my RL personal details released (luckily they got them wrong).'

IRL she lives in...
'South Africa, Johannesburg'

Her eRep achievements...
'My biggest achievement is not medal-related. When eSouth Africa was completely occupied, I was the resistance leader and I got us back on the map and followed it up with a real presidency. Then I "retired" for a little while and reran for president again and here I am, president in my 2nd term. Those medals mean the most to me, I really care about my eCountry (which is also my RL country). 🙂'

One of eRepublik Ambassadors, Media Mogul, 9 times congress member, ~24.5 str, he is really an old player. 😉

His story...
'Hi everyone! I'm Kixtart and I am a user already since day 85 of this game (2008-02-13 11:26:53 UTC to be exact).

I discovered this game on a large IT website/forum which had a topic about Erepublik and many users were starting to play. I've been playing ever since, mainly because I like to be part of a large active community and like to help new players.

In real life I live in the South of the Netherlands and living in the Netherlands ingame also usually (United Netherlands to be precise, because of cooperation with eBelgium and Belgians).

I've been to other countries also and have contacts in many countries and/or alliances 😛

Ingame I like to be high ranked, but I don't mind if I would be lower ranked. The achievements that were fun to reach and have are these for me: Field Marshall & Erepublik Ambassador. The reason is that I worked hard to get those 😉 See you later and have fun in this game!'

2 times president of Germany, 8x congress member, 2 Media Mogul Throphy - Gobbas News

He registred...
'November 2008.'

Story of his citizen name...'The story behind the nick is to long to be told 😛 Let's keep it simple by saying that part of it is the abbreviation of another nick backwards.'

IRL he lives in...
'Frankfurt, Germany'

His eRep achievements...
'Nottin' much 😉 see this article I found when searching fr the one above:


Thank you!
