++ Elections: Vote for Harrison! ++

Day 592, 14:44 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

Tomorrow's elections will represent the best part of American politics. The back and forth banter will end and the nation will speak for who they wish to lead their country. The voice of the citizens is unmatched and that is what makes America, online and off, truly great. This e-nation is the best nation in the world, our real nation is the best in the world, and July 4th is a great day to remember just that.

I'd like to say thanks to a few people who helped me on this awesome campaign and on eRep in general:

Proggypop - For giving me my first big chance to shine in the party
Inwegen - For being a steadfast friend and ally.
Scrabman - For giving me the chance to show my talents
Hokiehigh - For being the best Sec Treasury ever 😃
One Eye - For being a leet VP.
Ananias - For leading the USWP to greatness
Piginzen - For being the voice of reason on many occasions
Gaius - For showing me that there are many kind, caring, and considerate Feds in the world.
Jasper, Zcia, Hadrian, ligtreb, Ian, Cerb, and anyone else who helped me with my campaign

I'm sure I missed some, but it's the 4th and this is but a quick article.

Above all else, I hope to see everyone at the polls tomorrow. I can rest easy knowing we hae two great candidates for political office.

God Bless America