[EDEN] We are still standing strong

Day 915, 11:47 Published in Romania Greece by Greek Ministry of Health
The world war has been going a bit back and forth over time. But while our opponents seem to regard any single battle Phoenix wins as a major setback for EDEN, we stand ground where it matters. EDEN proves to be the strongest alliance still, and with enough stamina for the long run.

Here's a partial situation report of status on 23rd of May (Day 915):

:: Phoenix’ failed offensive

:: Bulgaria and what it all came down to

:: Plans for the future

Phoenix' failed offensive
Chinese artillery in position to counter Russian offensive at Heilongjiang

On the 18th of May, Phoenix attacked the five regions of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Rhone Alps and Aquitaine, all highly important to EDEN and our allies. The plan was simple, break our back with a coordinated assault on its economical centers and get themselves so far in the lead that they would win the war. Well, sorry to say lads, but you failed, miserably, I might add. After the initial tanking, pretty much all of the battles had their walls brought down to about minus 2.000.000 damage. Things weren’t looking to bright for EDEN, or so Phoenix thought, but we quickly proved that we can outmatch our enemy’s fighting capabilities in direct confrontation. Next morning all of the 4 regions were secured, and Phoenix was brought back to square one, with a gigantic hole in its treasury. So what can we gather from this failed attempt? Firstly, EDEN with its allies is the strongest alliance there is in this game and secondly that in the given circumstances, LionKing doesn’t look too safe.

Bulgaria and what it all came down to
The next point on today’s briefing is the situation of Bulgaria, and what it all came down to. As you all probably know, in a desperate attempt to prevent Romania from reaching Turkey, and through Turkey, the heart of Asia, Serbia whipped out Bulgaria from the map. This resulted in a deletion of all its triggered MPPs. What I gather from this situation is that, for starters Serbia and Phoenix, for that matter, don’t care about their ally at all. Furthermore, I gather that they decided to sacrifice Bulgaria just to make things easier. Well Phoenix we got news for you. This is not the way it’s done. You don’t just sacrifice one of your allies to make things easier for your alliance, you don’t seal their fates just because you think that this is the right thing to do. It’s not normal, this is not how an alliance should look like!

Plans for the future
To sum things up, EDEN enjoyed great success in these past weeks and to be quite frank, Phoenix is looking pretty bad. Things are simple as pie in my book, I would say that LionKing is the obvious next objective, and as things look, it’s not going to be much of a stretch. What I think each and every EDEN soldier should do in this moment is just follow the orders of the Ministry of Defense in their respective countries and simply fight for EDEN because EDEN is and will always be looking after their allies no matter the risks, no matter the costs.
