[EDEN] It's getting interesting

Day 918, 15:34 Published in Croatia Greece by Greek Ministry of Health
EDEN was there when China had to defend Jilin and Inner Mongolia. And you can bet on it, that EDEN will be there again in the future. We fight for our allies; no matter the costs, no matter the risks, we make sacrifices for those whom we call our brothers. Because that’s what a brotherhood is all about!

To cut to the chase - as you all know, yesterday Phoenix secured Liaoning after spending massive amounts of gold on tanking. You would imagine that after losing Heilongjiang, our deeply esteemed enemies are in a tight fix on the financial aspects of life. In the long run, if we keep attacking their precious little gem, they’ll end up with a gap so big that even the mighty Russian boot won’t be able to fill in V2. And the Russian accountants seems to have been busy already.

Heavy withdrawals from Russian Treasury today.

Bug abuse or new overdraw feature? Either way, I guess their next check will bounce.

But who knows what we will do next? We might polish Ivan’s shiny little stars for a change, or maybe go for a stroll in the Transdanubian Plains, take a sip of that fantabulous Earl Gray, do some scuba diving in Marmara, or why not, maybe, but just maybe, start some yodeling classes in those lovely Alps, I hear it’s a great time to visit.

By the way, congratulations to each and every newly elected Congressman, I hope you’ll have a great term that will make your countries flourish like never before. Let’s not forget for one second those politicians who didn't make it in the elections, but who’ll definitely be more determined next month and will give it all to win. Not once in the history of this game did it come down to this. Not once have we ever thought that the New World can change so dramatically, so drastically, by the push of one button. We salute the intentions of the administrators and are looking forward for the next phase of our journey; we’re looking forward for V2 and with that, a stronger EDEN, the strongest alliance ever to fight wars united till the very end.

Finally, I’d like to urge our soldiers, our brothers, to keep fighting where it is needed most. Fight where your country’s Ministry of Defense directs you, fight for EDEN, fight for yourselves, but most importantly fight for victory, for ultimate, sweet, and most deserved victory. These battles are only the beginning, even if we set records yesterday in Liaoning. Be sure that many more boundaries will be surpassed, many more milestones will be reached, and many more frontiers will be broken. And be sure that the stakes are raised and so is the excitement, because things are just starting to get interesting. Stay tuned so you don’t miss a thing, this is it!

United we stand, divided we fall!
Hail EDEN!
