[eAustralian Academy Awards] Nominees & Voting

Day 1,918, 14:13 Published in Australia USA by irule777

The nominations are in, the tie breaking committee was formed, I had some people make sure I didn't cheat 😛 and we're ready to go with the voting. The nominees are in no particular order, you may not complain about any. Ladies and Gentlemen, the nominees for the First eAustralian Academy Awards are...

Best Player
Nominee: MajesterSaves
Nominee: Scottty
Nominee: Ranger Bob
Nominee: Roboa
Nominee: Infin

Most Active Player (IRC)
Nominee: MajesterSaves
Nominee: Scottty
Nominee: Roboa
Nominee: Tim Holtz
Nominee: RonnyJnr

Most Active Player (Game/Forums)
Nominee: Tim Holtz
Nominee: Binda33
Nominee: Draim Alexander
Nominee: RonnyJnr
Nominee: Arthur Cole

Best Country President
Nominee: Ranger Bob
Nominee: Tim Holtz
Nominee: Xavier Griffith
Nominee: Majester
Nominee: Larni Kaddlestorm

Best Fighter
Nominee: Scottty the Nuke (Shocker)
Nominee: RonnyJnr
Nominee: Roboa
Nominee: Larni
Nominee: Draim Alexander

Best Military Unit
Nominee: Knight Hawks
Nominee: War Crew
Nominee: The 501st
Nominee: Australian Diggers
Nominee: The Australian Royal Regiment

Best Troll
Nominee: Icetek
Nominee: Discrate
Nominee: Arthur Cole
Nominee: Mick Gatto
Nominee: Vyrin the First

Best Newspaper Writer
Nominee: Irule777
Nominee: Ethan Mwyjhah
Nominee: Mr Crumpets
Nominee: Jeffery Skilling
Nominee: Nick3Figners

Most Hated Player
Nominee: Icetek
Nominee: Larni Kaddlestorm
Nominee: Binda33
Nominee: Mick Gatto
Nominee: Discrate

Most Liked Player
Nominee: Irule777
Nominee: Ranger Bob
Nominee: Scottty
Nominee: Roboa
Nominee: Aussie Bloke

Most Likely to Rage Quit
Nominee: Vyrin the First
Nominee: Scottty the Nuke
Nominee: Mick Gatto
Nominee: Icetek
Nominee: Witherd1

Best New Player/Most Likely to Succeed
Nominee: Vyrin the First
Nominee: Reximus
Nominee: Nick3Fingers
Nominee: Valentyme
Nominee: Jeffery Skilling

Biggest Party Jumper
Nominee: Irule777
Nominee: Vyrin the First
Nominee: Binda33
Nominee: Mick Gatto
Nominee: Icetek

Largest E-Peen
Nominee: Larni/Daenery
Nominee: Roboa
Nominee: Irule777
Nominee: Majester
Nominee: RonnyJnr

Best Politician
Nominee: Draim Alexander
Nominee: Irule777
Nominee: Xavier Griffith
Nominee: Majester
Nominee: Infin

Best Political Party
Nominee: KHMC
Nominee: ARP
Nominee: APP
Nominee: GGP
Nominee: ACP
Nominee: ANP

The Polling Booth!: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hHvJeD49Wc2GacQZl890bE5sgpXdjoHPUZZCoLISoJU/viewform

In link Form

Good luck to all the nominees! You may vote for whoever you like, including yourself, as much as you like. No cheating, we're not stupid.