[dMoFA] Interview with eCroatian President, eTomislav

Day 1,279, 12:05 Published in India Netherlands by rainy sunday

But first some muttering...

It's been a difficult few weeks (months even), hasn't it? This time of year is often hectic and full of real life busy-ness and sometime celebrations. And Changes. We've had a number of game-altering changes in eRepublik lately too. Change can be good and bad, it has potential to bring new challenges and revive waning interests. Unfortunately, when change brings no new challenge but a battle of will and wallet it leaves some of us bitter and begrudged, questioning the value of our time and effort spent only to realize our losses. Depressing, huh?

This is not a ragequit article nor is it an article to compel you to join with me in a worldwide boycott or revolt, however sexy those things may be. This is just me sharing some of what's going on in my head.

So, what's the point? Simply to say the only thing I've ever found of lasting value in this game are the players. Thank you to each one of you who've contributed to the content and playability of eRepublik, helped build your communities up and continue to fight what often feels like an uphill battle.

Back to business.

When President TimberJack asked me to stand as dMoFA and Ambassador to Croatia, I was both flattered and a little startled. I think we're all quite familiar with Romper and I do have several Croatian friends but frankly, I wasn't very familiar with the community. Only that they can lay down a hard fought fight and have been doing so since...well, since as long as I can remember.
Along with pursuing talks for our current MPP with Croatia, I've been closely following more of the discussion taking place within their media and forums, established our first Embassy of India and had the pleasure of interviewing President eTomislav. One glance at his profile reveals the hard work and dedication he's given to his country and friends.

Meet eTomislav.

A good friend is worth more than a bad brother. ~Croatian Proverb

eTomislav, President of eCroatia, May 2011
eRepublik birthday: October 23, 2009
19x Hard Worker
Politics: 5x Congress member and member of Savez eKomunista Hrvatske
Military: 4000+str General**, 16x Super Soldier, 4x Battle Hero and member of BSD Military Unit
Journalism: 1x Media Mogul with 1570 Subscriptions, publishes eT's...

To read his latest Presidential Address, check out [Prez eHR] Regular speech - edan 1277

We all like to learn something about the person behind the eRepublik citizen. Any personal info you're willing to share?

My RL name is Tomislav and here I carry the prefix e as this is the eWorld. 😃 I'm 35, father of two, Mag.oec. and love sports, especially long distance running. My business interests are renewable energy projects developments and promotion.

How did you find eRepublik and what kept you interested in the game during your early days?

My wife invited me. She got the link at some forum and registered and when she saw the game, she understood I'd like it, and she was not wrong. So, soon I entered the game and since that time I'm in love with the game, so I can say all aspects of the game kept me interested from early beginnings.

Tell us a bit about your eRep background. What positions have you held? Which jobs did you enjoy the most and why?

Well, since my early beginnings, I've been in the army and soon became one of BSD Military Unit Commanders. I have been PP for several mandates and 5 times Congressman. I have been deputy Minister of Information in couple of mandates and 3 times Minister of Information. I have enjoyed much all of my positions, but maybe I less enjoyed PP positions since that position forces you to compete with your own people.

Croatia is ranked 4th in experience and 6th in population at present. In addition to the Croatian military (an admirable world-class fighting force in it's own right) and the eworld's first God of War, Romper, you must also have a sizable number of well-qualified political leaders. How competitive are politics within Croatia?

Politics in eCroatia is moderate competitive, since any quality and hard working person can get the chance to prove himself/herself and lead the Country. There are many talents and I'm sure eCroatia will not lack quality leaders.

What do you find most challenging in your current position? Most rewarding?

The most challenging in my current position is having an understanding and consensus of the majority of eCroatian National Body for all what we do and to keep the communication straight and clear. Most rewarding certainly is respect from our eEnemies and when you see your people happy of some advancement we've all made.

Anything you'd like to address to the citizens of eIndia?

I'd like to point one thing that eIndia has and it is the potential of becoming No.1 eWorld force. Make so called eBaby Boom, invite people to play, let your eNation grow and bring to the game the qualities we all admire in RL India and share. Let us all give the best of us to each others.

Better a bad harvest than a bad neighbor. ~another Croatian Proverb

Živili Hrvati!

eCroatia National Forum | irc: #eHrvatska
eIndia National Forum | irc: #India