[Dish4CP]Domestics: It Takes a Village

Day 1,474, 07:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
...to raise Erepublikans.

For starters, let me say that the entire Cabinet in terms of who are Ministers, even the DPM, is open for Applications. I cba who you are. If you want to help, then help. Since the Cabinet channel will be open anyway, it's not like each individual person won't have their say on what we do, how we spend money, and what goes on. We'll do whatever is brought up and is beneficial for the country, regardless of who suggests it.

See, my cabinets don't come pre-filled

That being said, we have to have people who have the keys to the bank, so to speak. We will be taking applications for the following:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 2 Ministers
Ministry of Finance: 1 Minister
Ministry of Home Affairs: 2 Ministers
Ministry of Legislative Affairs: 1 Minister
Ministry of Defence: 1 Minister

They will hold the keys, and distribute/run money schemes and other various recruitment/enjoyment enhancing experience schemes throughout the month. Even if I hate your guts, if you're the best person for the job, then please apply.

Domestics are quite simple. Your job is to communicate to the people what is going on, using forums and IRC, being friendly, and handing stuff out. At least, that's what we've done for the last OHGODIDONTEVENKNOW.

Part of the reason to open cabinet is that I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who have things they'd like to try or do. If they are passionate about it, I'm not going to stop them. The MoHA will coordinate monetary needs, games, and the normal bit, but we're also going to open our doors to you. We want you to do whatever it is you want, in the name of the Government (since, as I said, it's your gorram Government), so improve this country. If that's holding a Skype Convention on how large Mickey Mouse's ears are, so be it. If that attracts attention and interest, then GREAT. LET'S DO IT FOR CHRIST SAKE.

See, this wouldn't be just a normal month of the ten people basically parading around running the country. This wouldn't be just another month of a fifty man army basically doing what damage we can while party MUs and Independents can offer us more damage. We're going to shout every article. We're going to actually leave comments on things showing that they actually do interest us. We're going to use every means necessary, every shout wall from the MU wall to our personal walls, to IRC to forums, to going down to Manchester and handing out Erepublik jackets to the homeless like jamesw communicate with people this term. I miss the days where the President actually cared enough to communicate both in game and on the forums, or even bothered to do Announcements more than twice a week. In our Government, no, in your Government, you'll know what is going on, and when.

Along with this is new players. I know we've tried a lot of different things to try and retain new players, so I'm going to be as basic as I can with this:

1. If you're new, I'm going to send you a small amount of GBP.
2. If you join the forums, I'm going to send you a small amount of GBP.
3. If you recruit a player to Erepublik, and they stay past level X, you're going to get 3 Gold for every player you recruit to the eUK.
4. If you do things to help Ministries, you're going to get a small amount of GBP.
5. If you're a soldier, and you do tiny little things like PMing, supplying, or whatever the case is to help the military out, I'm going to send you a small amount of GBP.
6. If you work in a Ministry doing the tasks assigned, I'm going to send you a small amount of GBP.

So in essence, we're going to show you the appreciation we can. Did you get the theme here?

This month, we need to shake it up. This month we need to actually work together, or try our damnedest. This is why I'm going to fund various private groups with monies for weapons, schemes, and so on. See, I realise people have wanted to do this in the past, but for the most part, we've got a million GBP sitting in the bank. How long do we go before we actually use it? How much are we really going to save before we supply schemes like food/weapons donations, paying fees for people who join the forum, or whatever else us silly little addicts can think of? We're not talking about giving away a million GBP here, but it's high time your money went back to you and not sitting in some useless Org justincaselol. We have tax monies saved from two years ago. I fail to see why we're just sitting here wasting time.

Hand Out Programs

Let me start out by saying I think there are plenty of people who plain do not know about free money. If you listen the commercial, everyone loves free money. We have schemes set up to buy you free land. We have schemes running for Town Hall upgrades to increase the damage you can do each day. While we currently do send messages, we need to add them everywhere. Government articles. Shouts. MU orders. MoD Orders. Everything we do needs to have a bolded message (more than jamesw did it) that says "HEY YOU, LOOK HERE SO I CAN GIVE YOU FREE STUFF". Our point, in this game, is to increase your strength, rank, and damage. We can't do that until we increase your ability to purchase at least part of your daily supplies and health limits. Going in steps is the goal, everyone working together is the vehicle.

So, take your time, and vote for the Candidate who you think will actually do something to improve this country. If that's me, great. If not, so be it.

But put some thought into it, at the least.

Thanks for your time,
UKRP Presidential Candidate