[Department of Fun] War Survey

Day 2,353, 21:16 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

What is it good for?

Good Gall Y'all
Greelingada is a lovely, lovely place.

The goslings are blooming.

Since Wild Owl's term, you may have noticed we've been quite at odds with our neighbors to the north. And it's been very profitable for us. Canada has been a source of economic upturn for our country in terms of resources and potential medals to be earned, and war is always fun to fight in.

As designated second term Minister of Fun, I know this to be true.

But lately, there's been smatterings of discontent. Call it ennui, call it getting tired of putting our feet on so many maple smeared necks, call it whatever you want, but some people have let on that they may be tired with having the military necessity to occupy Canada. And that's understandable, there are other means.

So, with POTUS elections upcoming, and changes to be made, I thought a very simple, very easy to take survey would be in order just to get everyone's feelings on how we're doing with this whole "war" thing.

Again, it's short and sweet. You name, your profile link, and two questions on how you think the war has gone and whether you think it should be continued.

It's so easy, a Canadian could do it.

Click the link, fill out the survey, and let your voice be heard. Results will be posted before the next election.

No but for srs, who even likes Canadian bacon?