[CP] Liberation and War Update

Day 1,567, 17:19 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Overnight eAustralian forces were deployed in two resistance wars against Argentina. This action was undertaken because of the very clear and present danger Argentina represent to our nation and our region.

I am pleased to announce both operations were successful and the nations Peru and Bolivia have been returned to the map. We did not engage in the third Resistance War in Paraguay because we had heard through the wire that our allies in TEDEN had deployed there to assist Argentina in holding the region.

As I have said many times in the past, eAustralia is and always will be Pro-TEDEN and we will never fight against our allies on the field of battle unless our nation is directly threatened. TEDEN’s motivation behind this is not clear, nor is it necessary for us to know. I only hope that in time they see Argentina for what it truly is, a threat to freedom around the world.

We will continue to offer aid to Peru and open the door to talks with Bolivia however since both have been returned to the map and Argentina have been forced out of our region we shall once more be focusing on joining our TEDEN allies on the field of battle around the world.

Argentina, you were warned, and we have forced you back. I suggest you be content with what you have. Wiping Peru again will see Aus once more take the field against you.

As a result of our overnight victories I am considering bringing the New Zealand training wars to an end so that we can properly deploy to overseas battle. Argentina are almost 72 hours away from any possible attack, which gives us plenty of time to once more begin blocking manoeuvres and they presently will have enough issues to contend with over the coming days.

Long live freedom.

I may walk on the side of the Angels, but I am not one of them.