[CP] Agreement with ROC about Kyushu

Day 2,619, 08:55 Published in Japan Japan by H E X

Greetings citizens of eJapan and the eWorld!

Today I want to introduce a new agreement between Japan and Republic of China (Taiwan). As you know we had a Non-Aggression Pact for a long time now which let us to have Shikoku. In this month one of my goals was to agree with them to let us one more region, Kyushu, and I'm really happy to say that they were really cooperative, and handled this very kindly so an agreement could be made.

For now we will be able to keep Kyushu region for two weeks, when they will reset the determination, and we will see how the things work out. It's not permanent because of the bonus shuffle which will change the things, so we will have to talk about it once more when Plato messed up the bonuses.

NekisseAz and Love of Hua were really helpful with us, and of course I also would like to thank to our MoFA, Masaharu Homma for helping with the negotiations.

About the renting which was mentioned before: We didn't forget it, we are still looking at our options, and find the best place for us, and of course we will inform everyone in time!

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