[Boot Camp] TSM's special training program for Recruits

Day 1,309, 05:04 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad

At ease, soldier.

Today I would like to make a brief introduction and clarification of what Boot Camp is and how you may become a member of it.

In short, this is what we're offering:

- Min. 5 x Q5 weapons a day
- Employment for minimum wage (7 SEK)
- Possibilities for member to chooser Q5 food instead of weapons
- Only Recruits are allowed membership
- No political strings attached whatsoever, completely unbiased
- Bonuses every now and then, when our production allows it

This program is a unique and the only valid comparsion is our "sibling"; Swedish Slaves.

Due to reasons that has to with administration and logistics, you may only participate in Boot Camp as long as you're a Recruit and with a military skill of less than 40,000 points. Anything more than that and you should consider sending your application to the Slaves instead, where no such restrictions exists (although they have certain demands on activity etc).

Rewards for being a member

You will gain at least the value of your produce. If we achieve 100% production, we may hand out 5.6 tanks/member on a daily basis. That excludes the cost of salaries, which I'll cover with my own SEK for the time being.

The prime reason for joining Boot Camp is to get enough tanks to boost your military rank as fast as possible. For some, it may be more valuable to gain extra food and we can arrange for that as well.


Boot Camp is administrated by me and donations can be sent directly to my citizen account. If you mean for it to be donated to BC, please take a few seconds to write a PM as well, so that I know what it's for.

100% of every donation will be handed out as bonuses to the participants.

Final notes

TSM is a military organization. We stay the hell away from politics - and for a damn good reason. Thus you may become a member regardless of which party you belong to. The only pre-requisite is that you're a member of TSM (which is free for all who have Swedish citizenship).

I run this project pro-bono and my sole interest is to give our newest recruits the best possible start in their own military careers. We've all been down there and we all remember how much fun we missed out on... here's a little something to make sure that future generations won't have to struggle as hard as recruits of the past. In the unlikely event that I ever need to shut down or pause BC, I will make sure that everyone receives full compensation for their produce and tat excess from donations will be handed out in a responsible fashion (either directly too the members or through TSM).

More information and how to apply:

Click here to get to our forum thread!


Angrybabylicious Drill Sergeant