[Boh] The Royal Quiz, April

Day 1,972, 19:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Greetings friends and readers, contestants and watchers

Once again HRH Woldy I and myself shall be hosting a bunch of lucky contestants who pit their knowledge and research skills against one another in an intense battle of the minds. Those who have participated in the last two events have enjoyed their time tremendously and keep coming back for more entertainment, excitment and to answer questions on a variety of topics.

The basic rules remain the same, there will be 5 rounds worth 10 points each that cover: history, geography, celebrities, Dr Who and, of course, erepublik itself. Teams of no more than 5 people, name them, make them your own.

The venue remains the same, and the time is 9: 30 PM, this Wednesday, 17/04/2013

So come along and take part in this event and witness the answers to these important questions. Can the Spamicans of Bob Boblo House take back the laurels of the winners or will they remain with the honourable CptChazbeard? Will Dr Hugh Jardon finally succeed in his bid to become the reigning champion of The Royal Quiz, or will he be thwarted once again. And can Talon Karrde take over even the hallowed quiz on his path to world domination?

Join us and you shall find out the answers to all these and much, much more.

9:30 PM on Wednesday 17/04/2013
At #eWoldy on IRC.

HRH Woldy I, King of eBritain et al