[Boh] Running for Congress!

Day 1,918, 14:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Hi all

Once again I am running for Congress! I vow to re take up regular reports on what I have been up to should you see fit to return me to Congress for a 3rd term. I believe Congress should be held accountable to not only the party that elects them, but also the general public as well.

I have chosen to run under the banner of The Unity Party as it is with their policies that I currently identify myself with.

While in Congress, I shall oppose any Natural Enemy proposal that is not, first, discussed with Congress. Same with any tax increase or decrease whether income or VAT. Likewise, unless a President has asked for impeachment or has proven inactive, I shall oppose with my vote and verbally any attempt to impeach them.

I will also be pushing for proposals to be discussed and voted on that come from not only members of Congress but from YOU as well. Yes, thats right, I will push for proposals to be considered from members of the public.

So do the right thing, and vote for The Unity Party this 25th.