[Boh] Lets Talk Armies

Day 1,990, 19:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Dear friends and readers,

It is a known fact the damage of the British Military lacks direction and a proper interaction with the Ministry of Defence. There are a number of ways to rectify this, I will outline my ideas that, in a more idealistic world, would help mitigate issues with damage control and their ilk.

It is also known that the UK cannot afford to run a National Military Force run and directed solely by the government, and reliance on independent supplies for a National Army is not the best solution as any drop in supply would immediately be targeted, rightly or wrongly, to the government and the Ministry in particular.

Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defence is the lynchpin on which my ideas rest. The activity, or lack thereof, of this Ministry will make or break the Ministry’s effectiveness and therefore the effectiveness of the entire UK Military.

In essence, the Ministry and the Minister(s) in particular work as conducters making sure that the Ministry and the various MU work together in coherence and harmony. They act as the official liason for the Military with the Prime Minister. The Ministry is also responsible for the facilitation of educatory materials to do with war and public explanations for choices of battles.

The expanded role of the Ministry will become more apparent as my ideas are laid in more detail, but the general idea is one of activity and being a conductor or administrator of the entire Military. In some parts, we already have this, but I do not think that It is enough currently as it stands. At the moment, all one needs to do is set orders and maybe supply tanks. This is, clearly only the bare minimum of the role. The Ministry’s role will revolve around two key concepts: Communication and Co-ordnation.

The first step on improved communication is mass messaging of commanders and possibly Captains with the latest orders so that all know where to send damage. As well as this, the UK Armed Forces should have all commanders as part of an IRC channel and a private MU Commanders subforum where they can meet with the Minister of Defence and members of Cabinet. Activity from commanders here means that there is yet another point of contact, but, importantly, that commanders can build a mutual respect and rapport with one another. This will improve the output of our military.

Now, I can hear the cogs ticking over in your mind as you think “hang on…but isn’t this merely what the Ministry should be doing?” Yes, this is the case which brings me to my more radical ideas on the Military and where the need for co-ordination comes into play.

Regiment by Regiment

It is no good having massive Military Units dealing a load of damage only for poor co-ordination, lack of activity or a weak i9nternal command. Ideally, we want a Unit to deal a lot of damage and be co-ordinated, but this is generally not possible. So, what is the better solution? Damage in one MU or co-ordination and effective damage control? I propose the latter is the better for our purposes. The UK deals on average 4 billion damage in a week/month period. This is miniscule compared to Poland or Serbia, they have entire MU that deal more damage in the same period. What this means for us is that for our damage to be effective it must be co-ordinated and applied appropriately. All too often you see people tanking when the wall is at 80% in our favour and the battle nearly won. This is a waste of damage.

The Military Units that impress me the most are those who can deal a solid amount of influence and apply it to the point where it is needed. Case in point is probably Tank Nation, although I can think of a lot more immediately on the top of my head, and Units that have the potential to be more.

So, what do these Military Units do differently to larger ones that makes them able to control their damage, well, simply put, the smaller the unit the easier it is to direct their damage. This is reflected in the RL military where the smallest unit is the fire team, in fact the entire Infantry is built around these teams building on top of each other and integrating until you have one large Armed Force made up of a number of regiments, battalions, companies, platoons and fire teams.

We do not need to get as small as fire teams, but what I have come to the conclusion is that small, hard-hitting active units hit where needed better than large, less active units. The ideal size of these units is to be around 30 members, the limit in one of these internal units, all of whom can be put into one message chain so they know where to hit. This is a close knit unit where you know everyone in the Unit and presumably get on with everyone. Again, I point to Tank Nation and the Royal Army Dental Corps as cases in point.

My proposal, therefore, is that the bulk of our damage and active citizens are in these units run jointly by the Chief of the General Staff, a career appointment that typically rolls over from month to month and the Minister of Defence who is responsible for overall direction of the Military. These Units will probably number around a dozen, maybe a few more than that, with no more than roughly 60 members. These MU can be uber supplied, or not, political or apolitical, formal or informal. What they all will have in common is working with the MoD and not actively recruiting new players immediately upon their arrival.

But what about the newcomers, then, and the less active? I propose that on joining, as part of the welcome message, is a link to join an apolitical Military Unit which supplies limited supplies based on actively fighting. This Unit is commanded by the MoD for that month and is not designed to provide effective controlled damage, but be a safe place where we know the damage is going to where the government directs it. This damage will be less impactful in the short-term, but for those logging in and fighting their DO it is impactful upon the battle for the extra damage it brings in.

These are my musings on the Military. I open the floor to this discussion and see what others think, and if you have other ideas throw them into the ring. Especially around the control of damage and communication.

Bohemond4 MP
The Daily Knight