[Boh] Congress Update 7

Day 1,885, 17:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Time for my latest report from Parliament!

Norway as a Natural Enemy:
This was sold as a 'safe' war with no worries, and with the security of TWO and Russia as well as the implication that this would be a TW form of fighting. I voted yes before exploring the ramifications of the war, at the time I voted, we were sitting on 30 votes to 2 no votes. This passed 33 votes to 2 no.

I would like to apologise to the eUK for voting yes to this vote, regardless of the fact that the war had already passed when I voted, I should have voted no.

MPP with Polan😛 I voted yes to renewing our alliance with the strongest TWO member. This passed 35 yes votes to 2 no votes.

MPP with Spain: Again, I voted yes as they are a member of TWO, this passed 34 yes to 1 no.

Income Tax Change from 3% to 5%: I abstained on this vote. In the end this passed, 17 to 15.

Presidential Impeachment: I chose to abstain from this vote. I do not support BigAnt, nor do I think he is a good CP. However, I felt that at the time this was set in motion, he had not failed enough to be removed. I opposed the last impeachment as well (back in December) though I was not in Congress. I felt that I could not vote yes or no in clear conscience. This vote was rejected 16:15.

Closing thoughts:

We are at war, and yes, there have been monumental failures on the part of the administration as well as Congress (who voted yes). I believe we need to pull together and fight against the foe.

Your local Congress member