[Boh] A Message To TUP

Day 1,970, 22:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Dear all members of The Unity Party

The Party President elections are coming up with a number of candidates. I would like to take the time to encourage you all to vote this month for the person you want to lead The Unity Party through the month of April as we face the Argentinian and Irish wipe head on.

The last two months have seen our party come back to the forefront of UK politics dominating in the Congressional elections, taking the number one spot in terms of party size, increasing communication, tightening the party bonds and electing the first Unity President of the UK since October 2012. We have also strengthened our relations with several of the main political parties in the UK and forged new bonds with the newer parties that have come into the political scene.

These are all major successes for the party and this success needs to be continued into the next month as people have once again put their faith, and trust, in our party. This next month will be important for us as a party to build on our successes and increase the excellent work done by Iain Keers, Talon Karrde and myself to set The Unity Party back on the path we should be treading.

This month we have several candidates seeking to take up the mantle of party leadership. I ask you to think before you vote. Think about who will best lead the party and who we should have with the mantle of Party President, who has the activity and drive to make us succeed even more.

There are some candidates who have stepped up who are not going to be able to work, or who are not the best candidate, for the job. There are three of them, two of whom are permanent banned for multi accounting or something equally immoral and cheating. These two accounts are Naypalm and Narpolm, so please, do not waste you vote by electing an inactive player to the role. The final player to be wary of is Napoleon Ceaser who has attacked The Unity Party's policies and the Party as a whole from the start in our feed. This candidate is a danger, TUP, to everything we hold dear and stand for, please, do NOT vote for this player at all. Think before you vote.

Finally, I would like to end on the player I think will make a great president for the next month: Ash Brandon, formally known as Skibbler. He has proven himself to be a loyal, willing to learn, eager citizen who only has the best for the party in mind. I am confident he will lead us to continue our successes over April. I call upon the party to vote for Ash Brandon this election, though I respect that the vote is your choice at the end of the day.

The Daily Knight