[BLT] Let's ge the party started

Day 832, 13:54 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

We are going to be trying to get the process started in reducing the number of people who are maintaining Belgian citizenship purely for tactical voting reasons.

Both alliances are in a near stalemate and it does no one any good to maintain such a large number of voters purely for PTO/ATO purposes.

In order to reduce the number of "tactical Belgians", I am calling on the heads of each countries political voting (PTO/ATO) group to contact me so we can start setting up a process acceptable to all.

For those of you who are the voters, please contact your leadership and tell them to contact me.

For all current citizens of Belgium, please take a moment and fill out this short census.

This will help us determine who wants to stay a Belgian and who should be counted in for the BLT.

Thank you for your time and cooperation