[BLT] And so it begins....

Day 845, 20:41 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

They said it could not be done, but we are doing it anyhow.

Today we finalized the first lists of Belgians who will be voluntarily giving up their citizenship to help Belgium be free of the threat of PTO in the future.

I want to thank the members of Phoenix’s political take over units that I have spoken with and I look forward to working with you in cooperation to reduce the threat to the Belgian people. I also want to thank you for continuing forward with this despite the recent issues springing up regarding MPPs.

To keep things transparent for this first step, I am going to post the names of the individuals from both alliances.

Douglas Kristof
Quanah Parker
ralph ericson
Collin Roche
Dr. Blumpkin
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Claudius Caesar

From Phoenix
Kovacs Levente

These individuals have all been confirmed as current Belgians, and are now being asked to get citizenship in another nation.

We will try to come up with a review system for people to monitor how things are progressing, unless people would prefer me to continue to post names here.

Again, thanks to everyone who has contributed to this getting started, and I look forward to continuing the process to get Belgium free of the threat of PTO.

Please make sure to express your wishes and to be counted by signing up on the Census