[Battle STATS - MAxihellas] Time Machines are back!!!

Day 1,371, 11:19 Published in Greece Greece by Tall_niki


eRepublik Maxihellas link: http://erep.maxihellas.com/

There are still tries between me and admins in order the connection problem between Maxihellas and eRep API to be fixed.

But, the Alternative way of data downloading that I am using these days, is working perfectly, and from now, all Maxihellas features have been activated again!!!

Today, I've activated again the Time Machines feature

The time machine records the damage made from your list members in the time that you will set. So, you can calculate the damage in a battle, in a round, in a day etc.

More info about how time machines are working you can read here:

Happy Stat-ing 🙂