[ARP] Peace Coalition

Day 1,922, 03:06 Published in Australia USA by irule777

In a time where eAustralia’s media is so filled with bickering, hatred and constant back and forth attacking. The Australian Revolutionary Party is taking the internal step towards peace and unity. Throughout our party we’ve had meetings and sit downs with members and we’ve finally been able to bring everyone on board with a new and alien concept. Publishing articles without any person or party attacks, whether you have “evidence” or not.

The ARP is one of the big offenders of this problem for sure, but it doesn’t mean we can’t stop. We’ve taken our members and discussed the benefits, peace and unity an initiative like this can bring and we’ve gotten them to agree. From now on, we will be enforcing to the best of our ability, a no slander media policy. This may sound like an unachievable feat, but I’m quite confident that we can make a difference and at least significantly reduce the amount of media slander and I hope other parties will support us.

The ARP may be a big offender, but we’re certainly not the only one. I’d like to ask all other party leaders, members and politicians to join us on a route to a more peaceful eAustralia. A unified country is a stronger, happier and more enjoyable one. If your idea of a fun game is being destroyed in the media, then moaning and groaning about someone else in the media, please find a new game. There’s no place for it here. A friendlier community is a more active and inviting one and we owe that to ourselves and our noobs when we’re in such hard times.

I’d like for everyone to make the steps towards this initiative, and not all the easy ones. If someone comes out and does publish or say something bad. Do you jump on top of them with your own articles? Or do you show them who’s the bigger person, who can put the right foot forward and who has the maturity. Ignore attacking articles, don’t give them any attention, that’s what they want after all. In order for this to work, people are going to have to step up and say that they can stop. Not that someone else can’t. Worry about yourself, not anyone else. I personally will do the worrying about my party members, and if one of them publishes something? We’ll do everything we can to handle and stop it immediately. Show us what you can do, not what others can’t. (It’s a crazy concept, I know 😛)

So start now with just yourself and we’ll start as well. Join the Peace coalition. And this counts in your comments on articles too. You can ask questions, you can point things out, but there’s never any need to do it rudely and angrily. Start right now. Show yourself and others what you’re capable of and the rest will come. The ARP will do everything we can to lead this revolutionary movement and I, as party president, am so happy to be in front of it. This isn’t going to be as easy as it sounds for sure. But I hope everyone will jump on for the ride.

Party Channel of the ARP: #Therevolution
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~Irule777, Party President of the Australian Revolutionary Party