[ARP] Join the fun!

Day 1,934, 19:10 Published in Australia USA by irule777

The Australian Revolutionary Party Wants You!
Greetings to all eAustralians, new and old! One of the most challenging decisions for any player, experienced or non, is the political party they chose to get involved in. Political parties are your gateway to so much in the community of this game. They provide you opportunities that range from running for congress, getting involved in party/nation politics, being in media groups, receiving economic aid and assistance, being involved in an active, helpful and friendly community and even becoming a member of the cabinet. Political Parties are by far one of the most enjoyable and exciting parts of this game and it’s very important that you choose your’s well.

I invite you to join the Australian Revolutionary Party. We are, as a community, dedicated towards helping and assisting new players. Our entire charter is based around the very idea that new players who need experience should receive the opportunities to get some. The ARP not only works to ensure the happiness of all it’s members, but also works to improve the country itself through it’s peace, economic and political programs. Want to be apart of something fun, inspiring, helpful and revolutionary? Then keep reading.

On top of being new player friendly, helpful and more, the ARP is strongly adamant on keeping an active and friendly community of players for our internal workings. We encourage all members to propose any and all ideas they posses on the forums or on IRC and are always willing to give constructive criticism and assistance in growing the ideas into legislation or policies. We as a party know that working together makes each and every one of us stronger.

But let’s say you want to get involved in the real fun stuff in the political fields. Actually running for office. Well, the ARP is here to help you every step of the way. The Australian Revolutionary Party religiously follows a democratic party form that elects through primaries, it’s candidates for the Presidency and allows all members the chance to run for congress, Party President or even apply for a party or cabinet position. Any and all citizens interested in being a member of the government, look no further, the ARP is the place for you.

The Australian Revolutionary Party is here to help you every step of the way and welcomes you to the game with open arms. The ARP is a party built for the member and gives everyone equal opportunity and voice. We hope you’ll come join us today.

Join the Revolution,

~Irule777 Party President of the ARP