[ARP]CP Primaries

Day 1,925, 17:31 Published in Australia USA by irule777

It's that time of the month again everyone! Country President elections are upon us. One of the things I campaigned on this month for party president and one of the big things in our charter is democracy. So, as always, we'll open up this month's nomination from the Australian Revolutionary Party to any candidate who's interested in running.

If you've already messaged or contacted me, then you're fine. This month we may have a forum debate, but if not, you'll be asked a few questions, then we'll vote inside the party for our nominee. Fun, right?

Interested in running? Message me, Irule777, with a statement of your intent to run and anything else you'd like to include. Primary voting is still a few days a way, but we want to make sure we're ready to go with every interested candidate! Good luck to all!

Senate Elections
The ARP is very happy to welcome the entire 10 person senate into the job this month and we wish all of them the best of luck. We'd like to especially shine a spotlight on our two elected senators and all those who voted for them.

Valentyme: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4822740

Reximus: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/6011778

Good luck to them both. We look forward to great things from you guys. Happy to see newer faces in the senate, especially with our increasing focus on new players and their assistance and growth in this game and Australia. Sorry to all those who didn't make it this month, we'll certainly work more with you next month.

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~Irule777, Party President of the Australian Revolutionary Party