[ARP]CP Nomination

Day 1,931, 19:15 Published in Australia USA by irule777

The Australian Revolutionary Party has always prided itself in democratically selecting its candidates for congress, party president and of course, country president. This month the primary was a lot of fun, very close, and unfourtanetly a lot shorter than usual (hate you too february). But never the less, we still ended with a nominee.

The ARP will support and nominate Molly Jo for the Presidency this month. Good luck to Molly and all the members of her team.

The Campaign Trail for Molly Jo
Cabinet Article
Human Services and Media
Defence and Security
Foreign Affairs
Announcement Speech

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Remember, the ARP is one of the most noob friendly parties out there. We always encourage new members to give us a shot, get involved and check out our active and friendly community.

Join the Revolution

~Irule777, Party President of the Australian Revolutionary Party