[Anant4CP] Cabinet Details {EdItEd}

Day 1,289, 14:35 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Hello friends,

If you havent read my manifesto yet then go and have a look here before reading further. 😛

This article provides a description of the various posts in my cabinet...

Vice President

My Vice President will be working closely with me and guiding me in every step I take. Since I wont be inactive, she would not have the pleasure to control the government. I will remain online from 12 PM IST till 3 AM IST and she will come in morning. So the top officials will be available almost 24x7. I have chosen her specifically for several reasons. I had only her in mind and am glad that she accepted the offer. I dont care that she is still a new player. I can see great potential in her.

Presidential Advisor
David Forde

Finally the suspense is over and the contest on forum has ended. 😃

Minister of Finance

Here I have an old and experienced player. He loves to work as Finance Minister and has revived India's economy many times. This is what we need in such a crucial situation. He will be responsible for regulating the Monetary Market. I think further elaboration is not required. Also there will be a budget and weekly updates on the spending.

Deputy Minister of Finance

Minister of Defence
Rahul k

The Defence ministry is another important component of the cabinet. Considering an imminent threat of Invasion, Rahul will have a tough job to do. He will post daily fighting orders, be present with me for important meetings and also advise me.

Deputy Minister of Defence
Rachit Karwade

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dharma Vardhan

My MoFA is an experienced player. He is well versed in diplomacy. He is perfect for this job and needs no introduction.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Andrez Cooper

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Expansion

Many people must have been wondering what this Ministry of Expansion actually is. Here I am to clarify. As I declared in my manifesto that I aim to get a baby boom using sites like zapak, ibibo, in etc. This job will be done by the Ministry of Expansion. Also the Newbie Retention department will be headed by Ministry of Expansion. This ministry will be closely knit to Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Deputy Minister of Expansion

Deputy Minister of Expansion

Minister of Media and Culture
Shakti Rocks

The same work as always, getting people to be creative, heading Indian News Agency and providing information to people.

Deputy Minister of Media and Culture

Minister of Internal Affairs

My MoIA is quite an active person and she loves being innovative and creative. She spends a lot of time on IRC and can guide new players efficiently. She is quite strict too, so beware.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs
Master Sree Likith1

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs

Signing off......
~Anant Singhal
Presidential Candidate
.....Changing the way eIndia thinks.....