++ America, THANK YOU! ++

Day 594, 00:27 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
America, THANK YOU!. Today, I gladly accept the role, the duty, and the responsibility of being your duly elected representative -- The President of the United States of America.

Let me say a few words about Emerick. I've gotten to know him over the last week. A man who I once saw as a troll and someone completely unfit for any sort of office has transformed into a man eager to help his nation. Emerick represents a lot about what is good in this nation. He represents a game playing style I hope we can achieve, which is being laid back, casual, and still very successful. I thank Senator Emerick for his well run and clean campaign and will talk with him soon about a role in my cabinet.

I have a few more thank yous.

Proggypop, for giving me my start in the USWP. Scrabman, for being the first guy to trust me with a role. Hokehigh for being the comic relief when, at times, I dearly needed it. Inwegen for being a mentor and close friend. Ananias for giving me the support I always needed and putting the party and country above all else. One Eye for being an economic genius and undoubtedly helping to get us both into office. Zcia, Cerb, and Ligtreb for helping me in so many ways in the USWP and elsewhere. Jasper, Pig, Shada, Hadrian and so many other people who helped me by PM'ing hundreds of people -- you all rock! Gaius for lending me his support and wisdom, and so many others. I'll stop there.

Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Cabinet Applications

You can apply for the cabinet two ways. First, you can email me at harrisonerepublik@gmail.com. Secondly, I have a Google Docs form you can fill out. Feel free to do one, or the other, or both. The link is: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=cmtkcGQ2LUZzY2o2d1RUMkJXVnduWnc6MA

And what would this be without tradition pictures?

Jessica Alba, ladies and gentlemen!

With love,
Harrison Richardson
President of the United States