World news for Ireland

Day 3,663, 11:39 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Short summary of some of the more important news that happened under the 10th anniversary event.

World War

The war started by Irish, Argentinian and Chilean AS against Bulgaria has led to the intervention of the Asteria, and resulted in the occupation of Ireland and many of her allies. As of now,

Ireland is occupied by Peru
Argentina is occupied by Macedonia and Spain
Chile is occupied by Serbia
Greece is occupied by Romania
Turkey is occupied by Bulgaria and Poland
Cyprus was first attacked by Slovenia, then transferred to France when Slovenia left for Egypt.
Brazil was attacked by Portugal, but later they signed a NAP.

Pacifica news


Hungary vetoed France's accession to the Pacifica for the reason France is an Asteria-aligned country. However Hungary didn't exclude the possibility of a compromise, if an anti-Asteria country will also be let into the Pacifica, possibly Brazil.

Debates about Turkey

Mexico signed MPP with Turkey, which led to heated debates between the Pacifica's anti-Asteria wing (Mexico, Latvia, USA, Hungary) and proAsteria wing (Poland, Russia, Finland, Taiwan). Turkey's MPP proposals were accepted by Latvia, the USA and Hungary, and probably this contributed to Poland's decision to AS Turkey.

Polish CP Prophet009 was unhappy about Hungary's behaviour regarding Turkey, and said Poland will not resign MPP with the four Pacifica countries as long as there are moves on Turkish territory.

Natural Enemy proposals of Hungary

Several NE proposals were submitted to the Hungarian congress, against Romania, Poland, Spain and Hungary. None of them were approved by the government and CP Nintsen asked the congress to reject all.

Serbia (1,2,3) and Bugaria answered with deterrent NE proposals which were subsequently also rejected. The Serbian deterrent NEs made Hungary to accept the MPP proposal of Croatia.

Hungary's NE against itself was removed by the admins during the voting process. As for the question what had happened if this NE was passed, the admins didn't answer.