World News for Ireland 2017/12

Day 3,699, 17:16 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Summary of the december

Greece is occupied by Romania
Ireland is occupied by Peru
Chile is occupied by Serbia
Argentina was occupied by Macedonia, but later was liberated and now is occupied by Poland.


At the beginning of the december Lithuania arrived to South America by an AS on Bolivia. Previously Andes asked Hungary to come to Bolivia to avoid the Asteria capturing the country, but Lithuania was faster. From Bolivia Lithuania wiped Brazil despite Brazil having a TW with Peru and a NAP with Portugal. Their presence however didn't last long, Lithuania was later removed from South America and also from Australia.

The United Kingdom successfully removed Colombia from its territory.

Indonesia started a training war with the USA.


Veto on Brazil

Brazil's accession to the Pacifica was vetoed by Russia. Brazil's entry into the alliance was supported by Mexico, the USA, Latvia, Sweden, Hungary and Colombia. While Poland was also supportive of Brazil, Poland's next CP Prophet009 said in the future he will veto any anti-Asteria candidate "of the Turkey and Greece type".

Attack on Argentina

Poland after its withdrawal from Turkey announced a new campaign against South Korea. They AS-ed South Korea in South Africa, however while being there without any notification attacked Argentina. Poland lost 5 of its Pacifica MPPs (USA, Hungary, Latvia, Mexico, Sweden). Although officially being neutral, Hungary actively hit for Argentina against Poland. Prophet009 in his candidacy article wrote, he doesn't consider Hungary an ally or neutral state, and will be against renewing MPP with it. He also said he will continue cooperation with the Asteria and besides visiting other South American countries (especially Chile), another priority will be the liberation of Bulgaria and to transfer the war to the Turkish territories.