World News for Ireland 2

Day 3,668, 08:10 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

World War

While the occupation of Ireland, Argentina, Chile, Greece and Turkey continues, Cyprus yesterday successfully liberated themselves from France. Cyprus officially thanked for the help of its allies.

Slovenia attacked Greek territory in Saudi Arabia, but Greece was able to defend itself.

Pacifica news


Iran attacked Mexico by an AS and successfully landed.

MPP proposals with Poland

Hungary and shortly after Latvia proposed MPP with Poland, which were rejected by the Polish congress on the request of Polish CP Prophet009.

Prophet009 said the MPPs were proposed without any consultation and that the two countries want to keep Turkey's MPP at any cost, this is why he rejected the MPPs. He said the Hungarians were offended, arguing that they did not need to ask if they could have an MPP with a member of the alliance, but the Hungarians were against Poland during its campaign against Turkey, and therefore they cannot be taken seriously.

Prophet009 also noted that the Hungarian Ministry of Defense issued an order in favour of Turkey against Poland. Hungarian Minister of Defense Dacicus Maximus informed Poland that this was a misunderstanding and the mistaken order was removed.

The USA and Mexico has proposed MPP with Poland too, which were accepted by Poland. Prophet009 said, USA CP Wild Owl asked about the renewal of the pact, and assured Poland that he would not sign more MPP with Turkey. Prophet009 pointed out that the relation with the USA was good apart from their case with the Turkish MPP. The Mexican MPP was accepted because of the Iranian Airstrike, but Prophet009 said by this they are only complying with formalities. Poland previously informed Iran that they will return to this MPP.

Kherehabath who is returning as Poland's next CP published an article in which he denounced the behaviour of the Pacifican anti-Asteria countries. He condemned their MPPs with countries that attacked Russia, Finland, Poland and Sweden, the help that they provided for South Korea against Taiwan, and the occupation of Israel without any consultation. He said, Poland will no longer tolerate such things.