Mayoral positions are back and they dont come alone

Day 5,542, 10:45 Published in Spain Spain by Ddraig Goch

It would be so nice, isn´t it?. The thing is, I was thinking about what Mayors would mean in eR, with the taxes and all of that. If just a guy managing CC, we have the actual govs. So why not something different?. Why dont use this (what probably will never come, really) to add something new? in some way.

3 titles:
--Military adviser.
--Economic Adviser.
The first one, elected, the other two, chosen by the Mayor.
And imagine to bring back the hospitals, introduce (because i dont remember if we had it in Beta), attack modules.

But let´s start from the beginning. What to do with the taxes?, If Mayors have the same power as Governments, moving CC at pleasure, that would be many people to control, and posibilities of fraud. But the money is there, and sure eR could me it worthy.
So instead of a simply regional Gov, eR could give them their own different features.

The Economic Adviser:
Their main task is create job offers and workers management, using council CC. This job can be taken as a "second job" for any citizen living in that region, and it can be done once per day.

The Military Adviser:
They will use the employees to create hospitals and attack modules for the region.

The Mayors:
Apart from elect the advisers, Mayors would be able to attach hospitals and modules to active campaigns.

Hospitals and attack modules:
Instead of hospitals lvl 1-5, as before, the hospitals and attack modules would be for specific divisions (so, only one kind of them, but for Div 1, 2... air, etc.). So if you create a Hospital for Div1, it can be use only in Div1. Depending of the Div, hospitals and modules would require a differnt number of employees to be done.
Instead of give free hits, hospitals would absorb a amount of damage until they are destroy. This amount could be link to a % of the damage needed to create an epic in that specific division, 10%, for example. Let´s say it´s a Div4 hospital; that means it would absorb 8kk damage. But this doesnt mean your enemy has to do 8kk damage to start pushing the wall. Hospitals would work as a negative bonus influence when somebody fights agains a side with a hospital, let´s say another 10% negative bonus. So if the enemy does 10k damage, the real influence in battle would be 9k damage, and 1k is absorb by the hospital. When the enemy does 80k damage, it´s real influence in wall would be 72k, and the hospital will desapear.
Attack modules would work in the same way, but as positive attack bonus for the side.

At the same time, there would be 2 kind of hospitals and modules:
-Official hospital/modules: their can be use only when the Mayor control his region.
-Field hospital/modules: used only in resistence wars in that region (so, if the region is occupied and you want to liberate it), or to to be sent to campaigns in another regions, if you share a border.
That would mean 10 differnt hospitals and attack modules (2 for each Div).

Regions and Mayors:
It doesnt matter what country a regions belongs to: only citizens of the original country can vote, and it doesnt matter if the region is occupied or free. If the region belongs to the original country, the Mayor (and adviser) would be the official titles, if not, they would be as partisans. That means the council "gov" can operate always.

Economic Advisers and employees:
The problem here is: what if you create a multi and give him a salary of 100k?. Because of this, there would be in the region statistic a tab of "Workers" where you can see who has work for that region the last 7 days (even if the person left the job ).
Using this job offers as secundary job, there are no competition between councils and normal employers, but to take the offer, you have to be resident in that region (it doesnt matter if you are citizen of the original country).

Military Advisers and buildings creation:
Here, another problem in mind : what if differnts govs store employees, and them a troll arrives and wast all of it in Div1 field hospitals?. Ok, let´s imagine the most expensive buildings are Air hospital/attack modules, let´s say they cost 500 employees. To avoid problems, the total amount of employees to store would be 1k or 1,5k. If you reach that amount and you dont use them, workers wont be able to work (as if you wouldnt have money to pay). So Military Advisers needs to pay attention and use them as they consider, normally with an strategy in mind shared with the Mayor (and in a higher level, with the country Gov).

Country/Council Govs conexions:
Ofc, councils can use employees and buildings as they wish, but the optimal would be to have a good relation with the country gov, and be aware of the country situation to set and strategy about it (for example, if you think you would be probably wipe, or your country will start a war soon, start creating field buildings.

How to set buildings in a campaign:
As I said, there are two kind of buildings: official and field.
If a region is attacked, his Mayor can set to that campaign an official building with no cooldown.
Any other Mayor in any other region in the eWorld can set a field building for that campaign as well, for any side they wish, but there would be a 30m cooldown for each Q5 ticket it would has to use to arrive to the region, if the building was a person (that means between 30 and 2 hours cooldown).
You can set as many building as you consider for each division, but only one hospital and attack module can be active at the same time in each division. So if you sent 3 D4 hospital and 2 Air hospitals, only one D4 and air hospital would set on, and the rest would be in stand.
Like this, if you send buildings with a 2hours cooldown, you can send more than one building for the same division from the start, and avoid cooldowns in the future.

Building when the campaign is gone:
But what happens if you sent 10 D4 hospitals, and only 3 have been used?, you lose 50% of the rest. That means you have to be accurate and use the resources wisely.

Regions under long occupation and local budget
Ok, local councils keep working when the country lose the region, but that means councils wont get money fron taxes. To balance this, Council budget can recieve donations, as country govs, to keep paying employees and creating buildings.

--Would be great, if not all Mayors were able to sent buildings to other campaings, but allies. But we need TW, and that would means to decide between both. This is a eR problem. TW are neccesary because if not, all of us would need to be visa to keep playing; with this in mind, eR should have created a real TW status for campaigns between allies, and keep alliances alive ingame... but this is another history.
--Also, to use CC to create buildings, and not just employees. But there are regions with too much budget, GDP and potencial donators, and this would mean even more unbalance.
--It would be good if Mayors could requeste buildings to other regions out of wars. For example, there are regions with almost no citizen (because they dont have resources), and this would favor their defense.
--And yes, there are countries which has much more money/citizens than others. But at the end, there are low and big countries in both sides, and if buildings are expensive (in employees, becuase in CC depends of salaries), maybe big countries prefer to keep them to fight each other, and not against low countries (even more, if you dont take back not used buildings).

And that´s all:
I was smocking yesterday evening, and I dont know why I thought about it. Probably a feed about Mayors or something. I dont know if I wrote everything I thought, or if I made me clear, but... I think it would be nice to add some more strategy to the game. But that is because we are hungry of new features.
