Interview with Pannonian Nomad, CP of the United Kingdom

Day 3,697, 00:14 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Interview with Pannonian Nomad, CP of the United Kingdom. The interview was made in Hungarian, the English version is a translation.

Tell about yourself. What do you do in real life? How did you join the game?

Pannonian Noma😛 I came from Serbia, I moved to England two and a half years ago, and now I work in England and Italy. Sorry if my Hungarian is bad somewhere, I never learnt it at school (my Hungarian grandmother taught me, everybody in the vicinity was Hungarian, and the television taught me to write 😃 )
I think I started this game in 2009, I have read an article when I was a university student. I left it two years later, and returned in 2014, I have seen it again in an e-mail.

You played in Hungary before. How did you get to England?

Pannonian Noma😛 I was Hungarian citizen only for one month, I was already in England before that. I went to England because some Serbian players invited me, they said I get free food and weapons, I said why not, and after a time I got used to the United Kingdom.

Do you still follow what is happening in Hungary?

Pannonian Noma😛 No.

You are CP for the first time. What is your experience, is it a lot of work?

Pannonian Noma😛 I like it. But yes, I had a lot of work, especially because of the situation with Colombia.

You succesfully expelled Colombia. It was the result of your work, or it was accidental?

Pannonian Noma😛 It was not accidental. I prepared for this for a month. In short, first I asked the USA and Colombia if they wanted to leave the United Kingdom. The USA said no, OK, no problem. Colombia ignored us. Meanwhile I came into contact with 20 countries to help us in case of a war. And finally the war has come. Also the 1.5 million cc CO helped a lot 😃

Was it a good decision to leave Orion?

Pannonian Noma😛 The decision had no big impact and there isn't much change, we are still allies and friends with the same countries.

What do you think about while you are allies with Serbia, you get hardly any help from them?

Pannonian Noma😛 We didn't have MPP with them for three months. Serbia and Romania signed MPP with Colombia. I asked the Serbs why did they do that, they told me the Asteria asked them to do it and it is only temporary. But many Serbs hit on our side against Colombia, or just ignored the battle, in contrast to the Romanian players, who hit hard for Colombia. But after the war we have MPP with Serbia again.

Occupation affects the community negatively, or activizates it?

Pannonian Noma😛 Negatively of course. But then we have to prepare for the liberation. The war against Colombia increased our community's activity and unity in order to achieve a common goal.

Will you run for presidency in the future?

Pannonian Noma😛 Yes. I wanted in january, but for certain RL reasons I won't be online every day, so I will run in another month.

Thank you for the answers, I wish you good luck and a Happy New Year!